Tag: VGI
Sino-German Workshop “Multi-dimensional Global Mapping and Services”
The Sino-German workshop on Multi-dimensional Global Mapping and Services was jointly organized by Prof. Dr. Qing Zhu at Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) and Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf at Heidelberg University. The workshop was supported by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, and was held in the new campus of Southwest Jiaotong University on December 2…
Visual Crowds for Geo- and Environmental Sciences Conference Heidelberg
In this workshop, we want to tie two threads of research together: human computation is an important factor in both geoscience and computer vision research. In geosciences, OpenStreetMap is one of the major projects , but this is only one of numerous recent advances. In environmental sciences huge amounts of data are collected, such as…
Collaboration with Kathmandu Living Labs: innovative teaching for improving resilience against disasters with collaborative maps
Germany is the leading country when it comes to OpenStreetMap (OSM), and here this online map as well as the OSM data are well recognized. But what about other parts of the world? What kind of possibilities can OSM offer for fostering development and building resilience against disasters? Last Friday the students attending of the…
Disastermappers Heidelberg- Educating Today the Disaster Mappers of Tomorrow
Starting this winter semester the disastermappers heidelberg initiative is organizing a colloquium to provide a platform for all interested volunteers, students and lecturers to share ideas, experience and knowledge on disaster mapping. The events will consist of guest lectures, in which researchers and practitioners of humanitarian aid organizations will present their work and show ways…
Call for Manuscript Proposal Submissions to “Crowdsourced Mapping”: A Special issue to CaGIS
CALL FOR MANUSCRIPT PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS “Crowdsourced Mapping” To be published as a Special Content Issue of the International Journal “Cartography and Geographic Information Science” (CaGIS) Edited by Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani 1 & Prof. Michael Leitner 2 & Prof. Alexander Zipf 1 1 GIScience Research Group, Department of Geography, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany 2 Department…
Geography Colloquium talk on VGI at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB)
The series of colloquium presentations in the winter term 2014 at the Department of Geography at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) was opened by a talk by Alexander Zipf who is a guest at the UCSB Center of Spatial Studies as reported earlier. This talk presented an overview of some of the investigations on…
New project started: OpenFloodRiskMap
Flood emergency planning is a challenging task for many municipalities throughout the world, and particularly in Europe. Not only because there is no common methodology on how to detect the critical infrastructure that must be taking into account in emergency plans, but as well because of the fact that the changing flood-risk situation requires constant…
VGI and Citizen Science Workshop & Invited talk at LabGeo of Florence University, Italy
During 7-11 th of July, Vespucci Initiative organized the workshop “IC1203 COST ENERGIC – VGI and Citizen Science: engaging, creating and understanding“. Having granted an award from European Commission (COST Energic), Amin Mobasheri from GIScience group of Heidelberg University attended the workshop. The week activities were articulated in practical scientific activities where participants actively contributed…
The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio reports about our VGI research
The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio has released an article about Heidelberg’s research on VGI and Neogeography in their Science and Technology section in the issue of 14 July 2014. El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile (No. 41.265), p. A11: Neogeografía: La geografía evoluciona al alero de las redes sociales.
Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Management: new publications, talks and course
How can we explore geographical relations between social media and authoritative data to enhance information extraction for disaster management? How can collaborative maps of OpenStreetMap be used for supporting risk analysis and emergency planing? These two questions were explored recently by researchers of the GIScience group working on the use of Volunteered Geographic Information for…