Tag: VGI
Report on Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG) training school
On the dates of 11 to 15th of May, the European Commission (COST Action TD1202: Mapping and the Citizen Sensor) organized a training school on Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG) hosted by the Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at University of Coimbra, Portugal. Our colleague, Prof. João Porto Albuquerque was invited…
Teaching and research in Santiago de Chile / Docencia e investigación en Santiago de Chile
During the first half of May 2015, Bernhard Höfle and his NEOHAZ team members Carolin Klonner, Sabrina Marx and Tomás Usón were teaching at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile as well as conducting research for the NEOHAZ project related to urban flood risk management. The project aims at analysing…
GIScience Colloquium Talk on Classification Accuracy in VGI: Ahmed Loai Ali
The semester proceeds quickly and another talk is already approaching: We are happy to announce the next presentation in our Heidelberg University GIS colloquium which will be given by Ahmed Loai Ali from Bremen University (Cognitive Systems Research Group). Ahmed will talk about accuracy issues when classifying volunteered geographic information (VGI). See a full description…
CAP4ACCESS team active on the European protest day of equal rights for people with disabilities
On the occasion of the European protest day for equal rights of people with disabilities the Heidelberg advisory board of people with disabilities organised an event at Heidelberg castle. Every year on these specific days, particular organizations plan relevant activities in order to raise awareness of the needs of disabled people including those with limited…
Invitation to this weeks public Colloquium Talk on Indoor Mapping by Michael Peter (Stgt.)
We cordially invite anybody this week to the first Colloquium Talk in this semester of our “5 years anniversary series”. The title is: Indoor mapping by reverse-engineering of existing plans and analysis of pedestrian traces and the presentation is given by Michael Peter from Stuttgart University (IFP) on Thursday, Apr 23, 2015, 4.15 pm. The…
Option for wheelchair routing now available within OpenRouteService
We are happy to announce that the first version of the wheelchair routing profile is now available online within OpenRouteService and goes into beta testing phase. Currently, there is a separate version (http://openrouteservice.org/wheelchair-2.1/) for testing that contains this new feature, which currently covers Germany only. However, after beta testing, it will also be available via…
Deadline extended: RICH-VGI workshop at AGILE 2015 conference
Dear colleagues, The deadline for submission of contributions to our AGILE workshop called RICH-VGI has been extended to April 30, 2015. We call for short papers and extended abstracts for the Workshop: RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge Workshop @ the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science…
CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 2, 2015 (Part 2) – toilets, survey, crowdcrafting and news
This is the Second Part of the CAP4Access e-Newsletter No 2. 2015. The First Part can be found here. (It needed to be splitted in two parts for technical reasons) Finding accessible toilets made easy People in wheelchairs and other people with mobility impairments must be able to find an accessible toilet when needed. What…
COST ENERGIC meeting in Heidelberg
Within March 26-27, a COST ENERGIC meeting of working group 2 (WG2) on spatial data quality and infrastructures took place in Heidelberg. The COST ENERGIC stands for European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd. The meeting was hosted by GIScience research group. The meeting…
Deadline Extended: VGI Quality Session at ISSDQ 2015
Dear colleagues, We are happy to inform you that the deadline for paper submission for almost all events at the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015 is extended to 15 April 2015 in order to faclicitate a consistent logistics and because of several demands to extend the deadline. This applies also to our session on “Quality analysis…