COST ENERGIC meeting in Heidelberg

Within March 26-27, a COST ENERGIC meeting of working group 2 (WG2) on spatial data quality and infrastructures took place in Heidelberg. The COST ENERGIC stands for European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd.

The meeting was hosted by GIScience research group. The meeting started by reviewing/presenting a set of research that has been recently carried out by the WG members and external guests. The meeting was further inspired by presentations given by Prof. Alexander Zipf, Adam Rousell, Hongchao Fan, Jamal Jokar, Maxim Rylov, Clemens Jacobs, Dr. Byron Antoniou (University College London), Flavio Lupia (National institute for agricultural economics, Italy), Prof. Ivan Chorbev (University of Skopje), Hristo Nikolov (Bulgarian Space agency). Some other WG members were not able to attend the meeting, therefore they were informed about the TO-DOs virtually and their points were mentioned and discussed in the meeting.

Furthermore, the content of the intended COST ENERGIC book on VGI was discussed and ideas for covering the whole topics were pointed out. The WG is organizing an ISSDQ special session on spatial data quality and an AGILE workshop called VALID-LAND.



