Tag: VGI
CFP: Link-VGI: LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms, AGILE Workshop, Helsinki
Link-VGI: Pre-Conference Workshop at 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2016. Helsinki Announcement and Call for Paper The number of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms is continuously growing, providing massive datasets of georeferenced content that is either actively contributed (e.g. adding data to OSM, Mapillary, or Flickr) or collected through…
Workshop Reallabor “Sustainable Urban Development in the Knowledge Society”
Last week members of GIScience Heidelberg from the TP4 of the Project Urban Office at Heidelberg University participated in a transdisciplinary two days workshop at Heidelberg University together with urban planners, urban geographers, architects and researchers from the social sciences as well as practitioners discussing the current state and future steps in the Reallabor Urban…
Stellenauschreibung GeoWeb verlängert
Reminder: Stellenausschreibung: Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich GeoWeb 2.0 / WebGIS / VGI – Deadline extended until position filled http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2015/12/09/stellenausschreibung-forschung-entwicklung-im-bereich-webgis-geoweb-20/
Save the Date: Link-VGI: LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms, Workshop at AGILE 2016 Conference
Our workshop proposal for the 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2016 in Helsinki has been accepted. Save the date: June 14th 2016 in Helsinki Finland. The number of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms is continuously growing, providing massive datasets of georeferenced content that is either actively contributed (e.g. adding…
Stellenausschreibung: Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich WebGIS / GeoWeb 2.0
Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/-in Geoinformatik (100%); Universität Heidelberg Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich WebGIS / GeoWeb 2.0 In der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle für eine(n) erfahrene(n) wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter/-in (100%) zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben umfassen v.a. die Mitarbeit in Forschungsprojekten und die Entwicklung von innovativen Web-basierten Geo-Diensten. Die relevanten Aufgaben beinhalten insbesondere…
Scientific Computing and Open Data, 10th Modelling Day Heidelberg
Tomorrow on Dezember 3rd 2015 the “10th Modelling Day” will take place in the “Print Media Academy” in Heidelberg. Start is at 14:00pm. This years overarching topic is “Open Data”. There will be three contributions related to GIScience Heidelberg: – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf will talk about “Challenges and Potential of Open Geodata for Geographic…
Missing Maps Mapathon @ Geography Awareness Week @ Heidelberg University
Next week is “Geography Awareness Week” and in this week we organize a voluntary OpenStreetMap Mapping Party. We invite you all cordially to join us mapping for a good purpose. Let`s celebrate the international “Geography Awareness Week” and learn more about the power of maps! How? With a Missing Maps Mapathon! When? Nov/18/2015 – 18.15…
Matching OpenStreetMap Road Networks with Authority Data – a Polygon-based Approach
Matching road network is an essential step for data quality assessment by using reference data. Conventionally, road network from two data sets are matched by using line-based approach which checks the similarity of properties of line segments. In new method recently published in IJGIS, a polygon-based approach is proposed to match OpenStreetMap road network with…
New Collaboration on Crowdsouring for Forensic Disaster Analysis with KIT
The aftermath of disasters – such as the recent Nepal earthquake – have shown that the general public can contribute to the response of a disaster event and moreover is able to organize and engage itself across national borders. Digital volunteerism is offering unique capabilities to bridge information gaps, particularly in crisis situations where infrastructure…