Tag: VGI
Successfull PhD Defence by Yingwei YAN
Our recent team member Dr. Yingwei YAN successfully defended his PhD thesis this very week. We do congratulate him most cordially! The thesis was conducted at the National University of Singapore at the Department of Geography before he joined the GIScience Heidelberg team. Yingwei worked for example on using fuzzy set theory to assure the…
The Tasks of the Crowd: A Typology of Tasks in Geographic Information Crowdsourcing and a Case Study in Humanitarian Mapping
In the past few years, volunteers have produced geographic information of different kinds, using a variety of different crowdsourcing platforms, within a broad range of contexts. However, there is still a lack of clarity about the specific types of tasks that volunteers can perform for deriving geographic information from remotely sensed imagery, and how the…
LandSense Kick-Off Meeting – EU Citizen Science Observatory on Landuse
this week sees the Kick-Off Meeting of a new EU Horizon 2020 project called LandSense at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IASA) Laxemburg Austria. The overall aim of the LandSense project is to build an innovative citizen observatory in the field of LandUse LandCover (LULC), which collects data both actively (through citizens) and passively…
Defining Fitness-for-Use for Crowdsourced Points of Interest (POI)
Due to the advent of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), large datasets of user-generated Points of Interest (POI) are now available. As with all VGI, however, there is uncertainty concerning data quality and fitness-for-use. Currently, the task of evaluating fitness-for-use of POI is left to the data user, with no guidance framework being available which is…
Radio Interview on activities @ Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
recently Prof. Zipf gave an radio interview in German about some of the activities of the GIScience Research Group and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technologies (HeiGIT); which is currently being established with core funding by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung Heidelberg. The short radio broadcast (mp3) covers e.g. work on improving and generating Geographic Information…
An Overview on supporting Disaster Management through Crowdsourcing Geographic Information
The “Ruperto Carola” research magazine reports on scientific findings and current research projects at Heidelberg University. The current issue “North & South” refers to the „International Year of Global Understanding“ and features among others a short overview article on some of the work that is done at the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg with respect to…
Location matters – GIS in the humanitarian sector – Presentation by S. Sudhoff (CartONG)
On next monday, Sandra Sudhoff will give a public talk on the integration of GIS and other IT technologies with the humanitarian sector. Sandra is technical director at CartONG, a french NGO commited to providing geotools, geodata and professional guidance to decision makers and respondents in emergency relief and humanitarian aid. Like GIScience Heidelberg CartONG…