Tag: validation
OSMlanduse European Union validation effort EuroSDR conference 11/24/2020
During the EuroSDR workshop we will present our OSMlanduse product (earlier post) to the land use (LU) and land cover community (LC) and highlight class accuracies and a benchmark comparison towards existing national authoritative products. Accuracy estimated to be presented are based on more than 7k reference points collected in the past month through a…
OSMlanduse wird auf Geonet.MRN Meetup zu Flächennutzung und Flächenmanagement vorgestellt: Donnerstag 29.10.2020, 16:30
Am am 29.10.20, 16:30 Uhr veranstaltet das Netzwerk Geoinformation der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GeoNet.MRN zum Thema: Flächennutzung und Flächenmanagement: Ein Geoinformation Meetup Teilnahme: Kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung mit Teams unter diesem Link. Themen des Meetups sind die Online-Beteiligung von Kommunen, Bürgern sowie Firmen und Institutionen im Bereich Flächenmanagement mit Fokus auf die Siedlungs- und Verkehrsentwicklung und die…
OSMlanduse European Union validation effort
We launched a validation campaign of our new 10meter resolution OSMlanduse product for the member states of the European Union. Please contribute to the validation here. A technique where contributions are checked against each other is implemented to promote quality of information. The mapathon comes in four themes: nature, urban, agriculture or expert. While the expert…
EuroGEOSS Workshop: Crowdsourcing Land Use Map Validation
At the recent EuroGEOSS Workshop in Geneva, LandSense researchers from IIASA and Heidelberg University hosted an interactive mapping session to showcase the power of crowdsourcing for map validations as announced earlier. Using the openly available Land Cover Validation Platform (LACO-Wiki), participants collaboratively validated a land use and land cover map of Geneva, which brings together data…
Join the OSMlanduse.org Sentinel-2 Fusion Validation Mapathon @ EuroGEOSS Workshop
Join us on Thursday 13th September 2018 at the EuroGEOSS Workshop in Geneva for the validation mapathon of OSMlanduse.org Sentinel-2 landuse fusion map. Have an exclusive first peek at the EU wide OSMlanduse Sentinel-2 landuse fusion map, a result of millions of OSM contributions and the Sentinel-2 archive remote sensing data. The event is a prequel…