Tag: routing
Open Position: Software Developer: OpenStreetMap Routing Services, Backend & Algorithms
Software Engineer OSM Routing Services, Backend & Algorithms Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) You genuinely enjoy developing open source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for high-performance services for global coverage? Then we actually might have…
Software Engineer OSM Routing Services, Backend & Algorithms
Software Engineer OSM Routing Services, Backend & Algorithms Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) You genuinely enjoy developing open source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for high-performance services for global coverage? Then we actually might have…
Today OpenRouteService at 7th GeoIT WhereCamp Conference Berlin
Today we present the latest version and details on the technical API of OpenRouteService at the 7th GeoIT WhereCamp Conference Berlin. Tim from the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) will talk about Consuming Open Data for Highly Customizable Route Planning He will show some examples of the very rich feature set and API of OpenRouteService…
Routing through open spaces – a performance comparison of algorithms
Finding the shortest path through open spaces is a well-known challenge for pedestrian routing engines. A common solution is routing on the open space boundary, which causes in most cases an unnecessarily long route. A possible alternative is to create a subgraph within the open space. In a recently published paper authors from GIScience Research…
Openrouteservice partners with German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) and releases new features
We are proud to announce our partnership with the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy [German: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)] which is the central service provider of topographic data, cartography, and geodetic reference systems for the German government. The agency works under the Federal Ministry of the Interior, with specialist departments in…
Open Position: Software Engineer Routing, Location and Navigation Services Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT)
Software Engineer Routing, Location and Navigation Services Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) You genuinely enjoy developing Open Source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for real world applications? Then we actually might have a suitable and…
OpenRouteService with Locations, SAC-scale and more!
Less restrictions; added SAC In the past you might have noticed that by using dynamic options – for instance avoidables or vehicle characteristics – your routes were restricted to a much smaller distances than without using any kind of profile parameters. The latest version of the API resolves this issue and lets you compute routes…
Disaster OpenRouteService now active in the Caribbean, North America (incl. Mexico) and Bangladesh
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is currently coordinating OSM mapping activities as response to Hurricane “Irma” which is affecting the islands of the Caribbean and Florida, as well as to the severe floods in Bangladesh. Besides these two heavily affected regions, in the early morning hours a severe earthquake with magnitude of 8.1 hit Mexico.…
Reducing stress by avoiding noise with ‘Quiet Routing’ in OpenRouteService
Noise pollution is a growing problem in many urban environments, affecting citizens’ daily life. It can reduce citizens’ happiness, increase their stress, and even people them get sick if they are exposed to noise pollution for a long period of time. In recent studies we investigate the use of crowdsourced data to derive noise polluted…
Introducing LABS.OpenRouteService.org with Open Space Routing and the Places POI search API
Some of the results from our research are transformed into stable and professionally managed services, that are used by the wider public. A prominent example is OpenRouteService.org. Since it’s introduction in early 2008 it has been transformed now to a rigorously tested rich API that is hosted on a cloud system and that can be…
New QGIS-PlugIn for OSM-Routing and Accessibility Analysis using OpenRouteService
Recently a new “OSM Tools Plugin” for QGIS had been developed by Nils Nolde. It replaces the original OSMroute plugin for QGIS by Riccardo Klinger, which is now deprecated, as he unfortunately lacks the time to maintain it. Thanks a lot to Riccardo and Nils for their wonderful efforts and contributions so far! The new “OSM…