Tag: routing

  • MeinGrün – project proposal approved (mFund BMVI)

    Informationen und Navigation zu urbanen Grünflächen in Städten – meinGrün Neues mFund Kooperations-Projekt meinGrün wird vom BMVI gefoerdert. Problemstellung Um in Städten trotz Wachstum und Nachverdichtung eine hohe Lebensqualität zu sichern, spielen Grünflächen eine essentielle Rolle, da sie sich positiv auf Stadtklima und Biodiversität auswirken und als Orte der Naturerfahrung und Entspannung dienen. Bürgerinnen und…

  • GSIS Special Issue on Crowdsourcing for Urban Geoinformatics has been published

    GSIS Special Issue: Crowdsourcing for Urban Geoinformatics. Geo-Spatial Information Science (GSIS), Volume 23, Issue 3. Taylor & Francis. Guest Editors: Hongchao Fan, Rene Westerholt, João Porto de Albuquerque, Bernd Resch and Alexander Zipf TOC: Do people communicate about their whereabouts? Investigating the relation between user-generated text messages and Foursquare check-in places Ming Li, Rene Westerholt & Alexander…

  • Apartment search with Openrouteservice; a new Python notebook example:

    As promised we offer some more examples on how to use Openrouteservice for some applications. In this notebook  example, we’d like to showcase one way to go about finding an apartment based on OSM data. We’ll using different openrouteservice API’s to help you look for an apartment. Here is the full example with code and…

  • Celebrating 10 Years of Openrouteservice – The First OpenStreetMap Route Planner

    Exactly 10 years ago openrouteservice.org came online for the very first time. Back then it was the very first online routing service consuming data from OpenStreetMap.org covering larger areas. So to say it is ‘the original‘ OSM routing service. It initially started with Germany only and soon we provided routing for Europe and finally the…

  • Openrouteservice for Disaster Management: Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Hourly Updates

    The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) provides immediate support for disaster or humanitarian responses by coordinating and activating a global network of mappers that contribute up-to-date geodata to the OSM database. For example, after the Nepal earthquake 2015 volunteers added up to 800 km to the OSM street network per hour! This information could successfully support…

  • Enrichment of OpenStreetMap Data Completeness with Sidewalk Geometries for Wheelchair Routing

    Tailored routing and navigation services utilized by wheelchair users (such as provided by OpenRouteService.org ) require certain information about sidewalk geometries and their attributes to execute efficiently. Except some minor regions/cities, such detailed information is often not sufficiently present in current versions of crowdsourced mapping databases including OpenStreetMap. In a recent study (1) we aim…

  • Abteilung Geoinformatik: Studentische Hilfskräfte GIS gesucht (auch Praktika)

    Die Abteilung Geoinformatik sucht Studentische Hilfskräfte zur Unterstützung in mehreren hoch aktuellen Forschungsbereichen in einem interdisziplinären dynamischen Team, u.a. z.B. für: Big Spatial Data Analytics z.B. OpenStreetMap History Analysen, Social Media Analytics etc. z.B.  http://ohsome.org Landnutzungsklassifikation auf Basis von OpenStreetMap, Satellitenbildern, etc. z.B. http://OSMlanduse.org Disaster-Management für humanitäre Hilfe (Geoinformatik für Katastrophenmanagement) z.B. MapSwipe Analytics etc. Intelligente…

  • Barrierefreier Routenplaner: neue Daten für Rollstuhlrouting in Heidelberg

    Wie komme ich als Rollstuhlfahrer am besten vom Marktplatz zur Stadthalle? Und welche Wege ohne Hindernisse bieten sich für Eltern mit Kinderwagen durch die Altstadt an? Ein neuer Routenplaner auf Basis von openrouteservice.org soll künftig barrierefreie Wege in Heidelberg aufzeigen, zunächst in der Altstadt und in Bergheim. Seit Dezember 2017 arbeitet die Stadt Heidelberg in Kooperation…

  • Openrouteservice-py now available on PyPi – Easy Routing, Geocoding, Isochrones and Matrix Routing with Python!

    We have finally developed a pretty handy python API for all of you pythoniasts out there. This library makes requests to the openrouteservice API extremely simple. With this you will be able to query the following services with a couple of lines of python code. directions matrix geocoding isochrones To provide a quick and dirty…

  • Open Position: Software Developer Geoinformation Technology
, Heidelberg

    Open Position: Software Developer (Web) Geoinformation Technology
 (OSM) Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and GIScience Research Group In the context of research projects at HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group we offer the position of a Software Developer Geoinformation Technology in Heidelberg (full-time or part-time). Depending on your experience the tasks are related to…

  • ORS NEWS: more frequent updates, new GPX response, snapping tolerance

    Updating the ORS routing graph… frequently! We’re very happy to announce two more important core features for our services: Weekly OSM planet.pbf update! md5 checksum included in response! How old is the OpenStreetMap planet file which was used to build the openrouteservice road network? This is a question many of you have asked over the past. To…

  • New OpenRouteService Matrix API to speed up batch routing calculations

    Admittedly, the OpenRouteService Matrix API is anything but new. Already implemented in mid 2017, it’s been soaring to high demand by numerous clients across the globe ever since. Finally we want to give it the credit it deserves. The ORS Matrix API is the precursor to solve important problems like the traveling salesman problem and even more…