Tag: routing

  • Using Openrouteservice in the data science platform alteryx

    You can also use Openrouteservice via the self-service data analytics plattform alteryx, when you are a user of that data science product. Pablo Sáenz de Tejada (The Information Lab) has shared some macros on the alteryx public gallery using the Openrouteservice API that allows you to geocode addresses, calculate routes and create isochrones using the alteryx…

  • Solve routing optimization with VROOM + openrouteservice

    In a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP, an example is the Traveling Salesman Problem), we are concerned with finding optimal routes for a fleet of vehicles having to reach given destinations, e.g., in order to deliver goods to customers. Due to its high computational complexity, this task requires dedicated VRP solvers, such as VROOM. In collaboration with…

  • Road access restriction information in openrouteservice

    The new year started in the openrouteservice team at HeiGIT with the release of openrouteservice 4.7.2. In this release there were a number of bug fixes, but also some new features. The main one of these is the inclusion of information about access restrictions when your route takes you over roads that are marked in…

  • Erreichbarkeitsanalyse von Haltestellen des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in Stuttgart per Openrouteservice

    In einer aktuellen Publikation der Stadt Stuttgart wird die Erreichbarkeit von Haltestellen des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in Stuttgart untersucht. Für die Berechnung der Isochronen wurde das kostenfrei nutzbare QGIS-Plugin OSM Tools verwendet. Dieses nutzt den seit 2008 verfügbaren Openrouteservice des Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT). Das Toolset umfasst Routing, Geocoding, Isochronen und Matrixberechnungen, entweder interaktiv im…

  • openrouteservice-js – your JS library for spatial node applications!

    And here comes another little Christmas present by HeiGIT: In addition to our previously released and highly appreciated python and R libraries we now offer an additional JavaScript API making the usage of the openrouteservice ecosystem covering the entire globe based on OpenStreetMap in your web applications terribly simple. From now on you will be…

  • Accessibility analysis of public transport in Stuttgart

    The Statistical Office of the City of Stuttgart determined the walking time to the nearest public transport stop for every place in the city using our QGIS plugin OSM Tools. With OSM Tools it only takes a few mouse clicks to access most of the functions of the openrouteservice. The toolset includes routing, isochrones and…

  • New OpenRouteService API playground

    After the release of the new OpenRouteService dashboard the team has worked on a new interactive API documentation application named API Playground , that allows the users to explore all the OpenRouteService API services, parameters and responses in an intuitive and easy way. It is possible run requests, see the response in a map, table…

  • QGIS Plugin OSM Tools v3.2 published

    We’re pleased to announce the next version of our QGIS plugin to access the most popular functions of openrouteservice. in QGIS. OSM Tools is the only QGIS plugin to access advanced features like dynamic routing, isochrones or origin-destination matrices with a few mouse clicks. You can choose to either use point layers from your QGIS project…

  • Over 50 Open Source GIScience Repositories on GitHub

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) are happy to share the their GIScience github repository contains now already over 50 open source repositories and it’s still growing. These contain results from several research projects and in particular also some very active long term activities. Most of the tools…

  • How much do you know about Wheelmap?

    Within the European FP7 project “CAP4Access“, we studied the usage of crowdsourced geographic information (and more specifically OpenStreetMap data) for improving accessibility in selected European regions. This 3 year research study led to several implementations and extensions of Open Source GI solutions with respect to OSM data quality assessment as well as wheelchair routing and…

  • Generating Customized Pleasant Pedestrian Routes Based on OpenStreetMap Data

    In a newly published open access paper, we present a system that generates customized pedestrian routes entirely based on data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The system enables users to define to what extent they would like the route to have green areas (e.g., parks, squares, trees), social places (e.g., cafes, restaurants, shops) and quieter streets (i.e.,…

  • openrouteservice elevation goes farther north than ever before

    Last week we have been upgrading the openrouteservice, and with that has come the ability to include elevation information in routing pretty much anywhere on the globe (sorry people on Antarctica, but we don’t have routing for you just yet). So if you want to know the elevation and steepness of your drive from Svalbard…