Tag: OSM
New HORIZON 2020 project “WeGovNow” – Towards We-Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges
Recently a new 3 year EU project in the HORIZON 2020 programme has been accepted and is about to start now. WeGovNow is aiming at using state-of-the-art digital technologies in community engagement platforms to engage citizens in decision making processes within their local neighbourhood. It aims at bringing together multiple citizen-driven systems into a single…
GIScience Heidelberg joins OSGeo GeoForAll Labs
The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg joined the OSGE GeoForAll initiative and network as an Open Source Geospatial Laboratory and Research Center. GIScience Heidelberg is supporting free and open GI software, open GI standards (OGC), open Geo-Data (e.g. OpenStreetMap and other VGI), open access publication and GIS education in many ways. This is demonstrated already…
A Conceptual VGI Quality Framework – chapter published in ‘Spatial Information Theory’
Now the book “Spatial Information Theory” has been published in electronic and print format. It includes full papers from the COSIT – CONFERENCE ON SPATIAL INFORMATION THEORY XII 2015, including our paper: Ballatore, A. and Zipf, A. (2015): A Conceptual Quality Framework for Volunteered Geographic Information. In: Fabrikant, S.I., Raubal, M., Bertolotto, M., Davies, C.,…
Yet another little Paper Meta-Statistics
uuuhh, we just realized that we have the most cited papers in both the “ISPRS International Journal of Geographic Information” (IJGI) as well as in the journal “Future Internet” (according to the journals counting). Additionally also in both most cited lists of the two journals we each have a paper on place four. Further two…
Accessible route planning and #MapMyDay presented at Bürgerfest Heidelberg
Last Sunday (10th January 2016), we actively participated in the “Bürgerfest Heidelberg” (citizen festival of Heidelberg), which this year took place in the area of the Campbell Barracks (former US barracks), which have been opened to the public recently. The festival had ~12.000 visitors. Quite a lot of them also found their way to the…
Stellenauschreibung GeoWeb verlängert
Reminder: Stellenausschreibung: Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich GeoWeb 2.0 / WebGIS / VGI – Deadline extended until position filled http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2015/12/09/stellenausschreibung-forschung-entwicklung-im-bereich-webgis-geoweb-20/
OpenRouteService.org Update with full Coverage for Eurasia, Africa and Australia
Just before Christmas OSM-based OpenRouteService.org has seen some significant enhancements and new features, in particular live traffic data for Germany, improved route profiles, new leaflet client with height profiles for bike routing, a beta wheelchair profile and more. See Details: http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2015/12/22/new-openrouteservice-now-with-live-traffic-data-improved-route-profiles-new-leaflet-client-and-more Since then some further updates, improvements and bug fixes have been made by the…
New OpenRouteService now with live traffic data, improved route profiles, new Leaflet client and more!
Today we want to introduce several new features in OpenRouteService: OpenRouteService.org now offers live traffic information in Germany provided by the The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). Every 5 minutes the traffic information is updated and refreshed on the map. Every segment containing a traffic information is colored and has clickable icons with more information.…
Save the Date: Link-VGI: LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms, Workshop at AGILE 2016 Conference
Our workshop proposal for the 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2016 in Helsinki has been accepted. Save the date: June 14th 2016 in Helsinki Finland. The number of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms is continuously growing, providing massive datasets of georeferenced content that is either actively contributed (e.g. adding…
Stellenausschreibung: Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich WebGIS / GeoWeb 2.0
Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/-in Geoinformatik (100%); Universität Heidelberg Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich WebGIS / GeoWeb 2.0 In der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle für eine(n) erfahrene(n) wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter/-in (100%) zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben umfassen v.a. die Mitarbeit in Forschungsprojekten und die Entwicklung von innovativen Web-basierten Geo-Diensten. Die relevanten Aufgaben beinhalten insbesondere…
Scientific Computing and Open Data, 10th Modelling Day Heidelberg
Tomorrow on Dezember 3rd 2015 the “10th Modelling Day” will take place in the “Print Media Academy” in Heidelberg. Start is at 14:00pm. This years overarching topic is “Open Data”. There will be three contributions related to GIScience Heidelberg: – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf will talk about “Challenges and Potential of Open Geodata for Geographic…