Tag: OSM
MapSwipe App for humanitarian mapping featured in Product Hunt today
today MapSwipe is featured in “Product Hunt”, a kind of reddit for products. https://www.producthunt.com/tech/mapswipe Learn more about the smartphone App that helps you to put a family on the map. It is so simple even children can use it but helps humanitarian organisations like the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders to better plan and…
OpenFloodRiskMap Online combines Critical Infrastructure from OSM with Emergency Routing
some time ago we deployed OpenFloodRiskMap (OFRM) at http://ofrm.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/ OpenFloodRiskMap (OFRM) is a prototype web application to assist decision makers in developing alarm and operation plans for flood risk management. The OFRM hereby provides support in accessing critical infrastructure (CI) information in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) data base and to furthermore add this information to an…
Tomorrow Semester closing Mapathon and talk by Kerstin Meyer on the use of OSM data in Togo
Dear Mapping-Enthusiasts, before the start of the semester break, we would like to take the chance to round the semester up with a “SPECIAL” Mapping event at Heidelberg University Many of you have supported the Mapping for Togo during our last Mapathon or/ and the GIS tutorial. This data was collected for the use by…
OpenRouteService is going Global – including the Americas
OpenRouteService (ORS) was the first routing service based on OpenStreetMap in early 2008 that covered whole countries. ORS also introduced international pedestrian and bicycle routing, even before e.g. Google was offering this. Since 2008 OpenRouteService has been constantly available online and over the years it evolved from covering individual states in the beginning, to the…
Open Position: Senior Scientist: Quality Analysis in OSM Full History Data
Stellenausschreibung Universität Heidelberg Senior Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/-in Geoinformatik (100%) Qualitätsanalysen in OpenStreetMap Full History Daten In der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle für eine(n) motivierte(n) und erfahrene(n) wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter/-in (100%, TV-L), idealerweise promoviert, zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben umfassen v.a. die Mitarbeit in einem neuen DFG Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur intrinsischen…
Report from last OSM Mapathon for Sokodé, Togo at Heidelberg
Below you find a short report by the students that were organizing the last months OpenStreetMap Mapathon for Sokodé in Togo at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: Mapping Event: Sokodé Am 08. Juni 2016 war es wieder soweit! Im Rahmen des „Citizens as Sensors“ Seminar in Kooperation mit Missing Maps und den lokalen Behörden…
With one swipe and tap you put a family on the map
We are happy to announce the launch of MapSwipe – an app that allows you to support humanitarian aid by simply using your mobile. In a disaster or humanitarian crisis, knowledge regarding the location of possibly affected and vulnerable people is crucial to provide effective support. MapSwipe allows you to map these locations using your…
A Monitoring Tool for OpenStreetMap Mapathons in Python
In the last couple of weeks disastermappers Heidelberg and GIScience members were interested in finding a way to monitor changes in the OpenStreetMap database. This could help to provide better feedback after mapathons and could allow to measure how many objects like buildings or roads were created or modified during a mapathon. (It was even…
OpenRouteService 3.3 is going Mobile – Routing in the Americas, Gradients and more!
In our latest release we have primarily focused on optimising and stabilising the backend and on adding new elements to provide an improved user experience throughout the OpenRouteService 3.3 based on OpenStreetMap data. After many requests from our community, we for starters can happily announce that we have made the service responsive for your mobile smartphones.…
Volunteered geographic (mis)information? Measuring quality in crowdsourced maps – Colloquium Presentation by Andrea Ballatore this Monday
We invite anybody interested to the following open talk in our GIScience colloquium series this Monday: Volunteered geographic (mis)information? Measuring quality in crowdsourced maps Dr. Andrea Ballatore Dept of Geography, Environment and Development Studies Birkbeck, University of London Lecturer in GIS and Big Data Analytics Mon, June 27, 2016, 2.15 pm, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg…
WeGovNow WebPage is live – Towards #WeGovernment
The WeGovNow Towards #WeGovernment: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges Establishing citizens as partners in the delivery of public services. A new type of citizen engagement platform, expanding the viability of and capacity for citizen coproduction in the public sector. WeGovNow and its 12 partner organisations are building upon earlier research and…