Tag: OSM

  • Healthy Routing presented at the SemGeoSoc Workshop

    The current status of ou Healthy Routing research was presented in the SemGeoSoc Workshop hosted by the Zürich University and organized by prominent researchers in the area of geoinformatics. The workshop offered the opportunity for presenting and discussing ongoing work on the areas of location-based services supported by VGI, social media, citizen & science and…

  • 10 years of OSM data history with OSM API 0.5

    As our HeiGIT / GIScience team member Martin Raifer (tyr_asd) pointed out at his OSM diary, this weekend is the 10 year anniversary of OSM’s API version 0.5. He stresses the importance of this as “This is the version of the OSM-API that introduced (among other things) the version number on all OSM objects, making…

  • The OpenStreetMap folksonomy and its evolution

    The comprehension of folksonomies is of high importance when making sense of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), in particular in the case of OpenStreetMap (OSM). So far, only little research has been conducted to understand the role and the evolution of folksonomies in VGI and OSM, which is despite the fact that without a comprehension of…

  • Open Position: Software Engineer Routing, Location and Navigation Services Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT)

    Software Engineer Routing, Location and Navigation Services Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) You genuinely enjoy developing Open Source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for real world applications? Then we actually might have a suitable and…

  • Open land cover from OpenStreetMap and remote sensing

    In a recently published study (1), we produced a web based land use land cover (LULC) product based on OSM tags which are constantly updated by contributors/volunteers, and present a Remote Sensing based solution when tags were absent for a test site. We harness the combined benefit of an open source and ever-growing machine generated…

  • GIScience group members at the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017 in Wuhan, China

    Last week (Sept. 18-22, 2017), our six colleagues, Prof. Alexander Zipf, Doctoral Candidate Xuke Hu, Dr. Hongchao Fan, Dr. Martin Hämmerle, Dr. Zhiyong Wang, and Dr. Wei Huang, participated in the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017 held in Wuhan, China. In the opening ceremony on Sept. 18, 2017, the U.V. Helava Award was presented to Dr.…

  • Stellenausschreibung: Business & Innovation Development – Navigation Intelligence (HeiGIT)

    Stelle zu besetzen: Business & Innovation Development – Navigation Intelligence Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) Zur Förderung von Technologietransfer und angewandter Forschung im Bereich Geoinformatik wird derzeit mit Grundförderung der Klaus-Tschira Stiftung das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) aufgebaut. http://heigit.org Dies soll zukünftig als An-Institut weitergeführt werden. Hierfür ist die Stelle für Business…

  • DFG Summer School “VGI”

    Last week, our colleagues Franz-Benjamin Mocnik and René Westerholt participated in a summer school of the DFG priority programme on “VGI”. GIScience Heidelberg is involved in that programme by two projects, one of which is dealing with data quality issues and another one that investigates the assessment of spatial assotiations in social media data. The…

  • Call for Papers on “Urban Geoinformatics”

    We are currently guest-editing a special issue on “urban geoinformatics” in the Taylor & Francis journal “Geo-Spatial Information Science”. On this occasion, we’d like to encourage you to submit your crowdsourcing-related work emphasizing urban issues: Title: Crowdsourcing for Urban Geoinformatics Deadline: 30 October 2017 Guest editors: Hongchao Fan, Wuhan University, (hongchao.fan@whu.edu.cn) João Porto de Albuquerque,…

  • OpenRouteServices introduces its time-distance matrix service

    The second noteworthy news this week is that we have finally introduced the much-awaited time-distance matrix service with which you can finally compute one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many routes for any mode of transport provided by OpenRouteService. This service basically provides a terribly fast computation of time and distance between a set of input locations. Let’s…

  • OpenRouteService with Locations, SAC-scale and more!

    Less restrictions; added SAC In the past you might have noticed that by using dynamic options – for instance avoidables or vehicle characteristics – your routes were restricted to a much smaller distances than without using any kind of profile parameters. The latest version of the API resolves this issue and lets you compute routes…

  • HeiGIT/GIScience Heidelberg partnership with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

    We are happy to hereby announce the official partnership of the HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)! The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University has been supporting the use of OpenStreetMap for humanitarian and disaster management purposes already since 2008 when the first instance of the Disaster and Emergency OpenRouteService was…