Tag: OSM
Ohsome for Street Network Analysis and Disaster Activation Monitoring
Disaster mapping activations that are supported by many volunteers with various levels of experience raise questions related to the quality of the provided Volunteered Geographic Information. Learning about the data quality that can be expected in a disaster activation helps to evaluate the quality and fitness for purpose of the OSM data. At the ISCRAM…
Ohsome Nepal Dashboard supports admin boundary selection
The Ohsome Nepal Dashboard has new features to enhance its usability and functionality. The user can now easily select administrative areas of interest through a new map interface. Different administrative levels can be selected by zooming in and out and afterwards just clicking or tapping on that specific region. This convenience feature makes it much faster…
BuFaTa Mapathon HD – Spreading the Word about OpenStreetMap and Missing Maps
Last weekend Heidelberg was the host city of this semesters geography “BuFaTa” (Bundesfachschaftentagung). During this four day event student associations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and their members came together to discuss, learn and spend time together. The event was organized by an excellent student team from Heidelberg. The disastermappers Heidelberg contributed to the BuFaTa by organising…
Ohsome – a high level architectural overview of the OSM History Analytics platform
Recently we introduced the ohsome platform for OSM History Analytics. Now we want to give you a high-level overview of the ohsome platform and the components it consists of. Ohsome API The ohsome platform is based on a three-layers API architecture, where the flexibility, as well as the usage-complexity are increasing going from the top to…
Associating OpenStreetMap tags to CORINE land-cover classes using text and semantic similarity measures
With the aim of rapidly estimating the updated state of the CORINE land-cover map at the frequency with which the OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset is edited and extended, we propose an approach for automatically associating widely used OSM tags to Level 1 and Level 2 CORINE land-cover classes. This association is probabilistic and is undertaken based…
disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathons this semester
as mentioned earlier this Monday will see the first of our disastermappers heidelberg Mapathons this summer semester. But this will definitely not be your only chance to participate in some collaborative OSM mapping or learning how to work with OSM data this semester at Heidelberg University. So here is the current schedule. This should help…
Semester Start Mapathon with Kathmandu Living Labs
Dear Students, Mappers and Employees, we would like to invite you to the first mapathon, mapping party, mapswipeathon of this semester, which will be focusing on Nepal. (Just in time with the upcoming talk at the HGG on tuesday.) 😀 When? 07.05.2018, 6 pm Where? Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48 Our mapathon is organized in…
The Ohsome API: dynamic OSM statistics for real-world applications
The Ohsome API, developed at HeiGIT, is part of the ohsome OSM history analytics platform (and yes, it is pronounced like the word “awesome” 😉. It serves as the connection between the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) and possible frontends, such as the Ohsome Nepal Dashboard prototype. The communication with the Ohsome API works via HTTP GET and POST requests as…
R package for Openrouteservice released!
Great news for all enthusiasts of R stats – the popular open source stats system: the HeiGIT ORS team has developed a package to facilitate querying the openrouteservice API from R. It allows you to painlessly consume the following services: directions (routing) geocode isochrones (accessibilty) time-distace matrix pois (points of interest) You do not have to fiddle with processing…
Upcoming Ohsome Conferences
The Ohsome OSM history analytics platform, developed at HeiGIT, will be presented at the following conferences: ISCRAM in Rochester, NY, USA (20th – 23rd of May) In the short paper for the International Conference for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management we illustrate the specific potential of the ohsome platform for disaster activations by means of two…