Tag: OSM
GIScience Contributions to the 2019 State of the Map Academic Track proceedings
Recently the SOTM 2019 Heidelberg Academic Track Proceedings have been published. GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT contributed several talks and posters. Below you can find an overview. Contact us if you are interested in further details on ongoing research. Klonner, Hartmann, Djami, Zipf, A. (2019). “Ohsome” OpenStreetMap Data Evaluation: Fitness of Field Papers for…
ohsome presentation in Malta at the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality
Around 55 participants gathered in Malta for the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality 2020 from 28th to 29th of January. Among national mapping agencies, software providers and standardization organizations, HeiGIT had the opportunity to present its ohsome – OSM history analytics platform for analyzing spatial data quality by looking at the temporal development…
Mapping Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh – An Analysis Using the OSHDB API
Humanitarian mapping activations show increasing numbers of contribution. This blog post illustrates the specific potential of the Open Source OSHDB API [1] for detailed analyses of such activations by means of a case study. The examined area is Cox’s Bazar in Southeast Bangladesh, where almost 1 million Rohingya refugees fled to from Myanmar in 2015.…
Urban flooding in Handschuhsheim – Using User-Generated Geographic Data in Flood Risk Management
A week ago, students from the seminar “User-Generated Geographic Data in Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Aid” carried out a survey about urban flood risk in Handschuhsheim. The “field day” was organised by Carolin Klonner and Melanie Eckle (the teachers of the seminar) in cooperation with Kai Schaupp and Dr. Raino Winkler of the environmental…
Healthsites and HeiGIT establish partnership
The Global Healthsites Mapping Project (Healthsites) and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology/ GIScience Research Group are happy to announce the now also formal cooperation. Last week, HeiGIT/ GISciences signed the Healthsites Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their strategic partnership with the main aim to support the analyses, sharing and use of baseline OpenStreetMap…
Becoming ohsome is simple: Adding support of simple feature types to the ohsome API
It’s been a while, since we have published the last blog post about the awesome ohsome platform, but don’t worry, there’s always something happening of course in the spatial analytics team of HeiGIT. So here we are, back on track with enlarging your imagination on what is possible when using our OpenStreetMap history analytics tool.…
GeoNet.MRN at Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2019
Last week was the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 took place in Barcelona. Our region geoinformation network GeoNet.MRN was there with a booth presenting the members of GeoNet.MRN, among others the GIScience Research Group / HeiGIT at Heidelberg University. We offer a range of technologies and services for building sustainable smart cities, esp. in the…
Marcel Reinmuth: Talk about internship at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Uganda
GIScience HD/HeiGIT sind seit geraumer Zeit Partner des Humanitarian Open StreetMap Team (HOT) und arbeiten an gemeinsamen Projekten zur Verbesserung von Geoinformationstechnologien und der Verfügbarkeit von Geodaten (insb. OpenStreetMap) für humanitäre Einsätze, insbesondere im globalen Süden, z.B. über die Missing Maps Initiative. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Geographie in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern des Geographischen Instituts berichtet Marcel Reinmuth aus…
CfP: “OpenStreetMap as a Multi-Disciplinary Nexus: Perspectives, Practices, and Procedures” Special Issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Following the success of the Academic Track of State of the Map 2019, the track’s scientific committee – Dr. Yair Grinberger, until recently a member of the GIScience research group, Dr. Marco Minghini, Dr. Levente Juhász, Dr. Peter Mooney, and Dr. Godwin Yeboah – is organizing a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. The…
Standortübergreifender Mapathon im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week
im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week laden die Geographie-Fachschaften der Standorte Göttingen, Hannover, Würzburg und Heidelberg und die disastermappers heidelberg herzlich zum standortübergreifenden Mapathon ein! An diesem Mapathon werden wir gemeinschaftlich mit Hilfe von OpenStreetMap und fernerkundlichen Methoden neue Kartendaten für vernachlässigte Krisenregionen erstellen und somit humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen in ihrer Arbeit unterstützen. Welches Gebiet genau…
New DFG project: IdealVGI – Deep Learning with OSM
Recently a new DFG project proposal was accepted to the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg within the DFG priority programme VisVGI (Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing” [SPP 1894]). It is joint collaboration project together with Prof. Begüm Demir from TU Berlin. IDEAL-VGI: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from…