Tag: OpenStreetMap
Improving OpenStreetMap missing building detection using few-shot transfer learning in sub- Saharan Africa
OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been intensively used to support humanitarian aid activities, especially in the Global South. Its data availability in the Global South has been greatly improved via recent humanitarian mapping campaigns. However, large rural areas are still incompletely mapped. The timely provision of map data is often essential for the work of humanitarian actors…
Online seminar ‘Deep learning from Volunteered Geographical Information: a case study of humanitarian mapping with OpenStreetMap’
We invite to the upcoming online seminar at the Urban Analytics Lab seminar series at the National University of Singapore (NUS): ‘Deep learning from Volunteered Geographical Information: a case study of humanitarian mapping with OpenStreetMap’ on 29 April (9am German time, 3pm Singapore time) By Hao Li, GIScience Research Group, Heidelberg University @GIScienceHD As an emerging topic,…
Where to map in OpenStreetMap next? Experiences from Mozambique, India, and Tonga
OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been intensively used to support humanitarian aid activities, especially in the Global South. Its data availability in the Global South has been greatly improved via recent humanitarian mapping campaigns and due to the efforts of local communities. However, large rural areas are still incompletely mapped. The timely provision of map data is…
Join our final “SocialMedia2Traffic” project presentation on March 22
Navigation services need time dependent information on traffic speed to generate suitable routes and yield accurate travel time estimations. However, this information is not available free of cost globally. Within the recently completed project “SocialMedia2Traffic”, we have developed a system to model traffic speed of urban roads depending on the time of day based on…
GIScience/HeiGIT und DRK gemeinsam im CHAtroom – Im Podcast werden die Zusammenarbeit und das Sketch Map Tool vorgestellt
Anne Tritschler vom Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) spricht im Podcast CHAtroom mit Dr. Carolin Klonner (GIScience) und Dr. Natascha Bing (DRK) über den Einsatz von Geoinformationen in der humanitären Hilfe und welche Rolle dabei Karten, vor allem partizipatives Mapping, spielen. Lokales Wissen ist eine wichtige Informationsquelle, die in der Katastrophenvorsorge immer mehr zum Einsatz…
A basic guide to OSM data filtering
Working with OpenStreetMap data is an exciting topic that often reveals astonishing insights. The free and open nature of the project allows a plethora of analyses topics. We at HeiGIT often concentrate on global quantitative analyses and visualisations powered by the ohsome framework. But our tools also enable you to gain more detailed, multifaceted or…
Job Opportunity: International Public Relations Manager; Science Communication & International Outreach at HeiGIT, Heidelberg
Job advertisement HeiGIT gGmbH You want to work for the benefit of society and the environment? HeiGIT wants to improve the availability and quality of geospatial data and further develop geoinformation technologies used for open, non-profit applications in the field of sustainability, mobility and humanitarian aid. Help us to reach these goals with your know-how…
Job Offer: Senior Science Manager — Innovation & Research Manager GIScience (m, f, d), 100%, permanent
Du willst Deine Management- und Forschungsexpertise zum Wohle der Gesellschaft und Umwelt einsetzen? Du willst HeiGIT dabei unterstützen die Verfügbarkeit und Qualität von Geodaten zu verbessern und Geoinformatik-Methoden weiterzuentwickeln, die für offene, gemeinnützige Anwendungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, Mobilität und humanitäre Hilfe eingesetzt werden? Das ist unsere Mission! Die HeiGIT gGmbH ist ein forschungsorientiertes, gemeinnütziges Start-up…
OpenRouteService for disaster management instance for the Philippines after Typhoon Rai
Just a couple of days ago, on December 16th, large area of the Philippines were hit by Typhoon Rai (local name Odette). The typhoon not only caused vast destruction but also hit many of the communities that already suffered most since the outbreak of COVID-19 (also see Emergency Appeal IFRC). In order to provide support…
Job Offer: “Lead: Geo Machine Learning for Good”, Senior Spatial Data Science Expert (m, f, d), 100%, permanent, HeiGIT gGmbH
Du willst Deine Machine Learning Kompetenz zum Wohle der Gesellschaft und Umwelt einsetzen? Du willst die Verfügbarkeit und Qualität von Geodaten verbessern und geoinformatische Methoden weiterentwickeln, die für offene, gemeinnützige Anwendungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, Mobilität und humanitäre Hilfe eingesetzt werden? Das ist auch unsere Mission! Die HeiGIT gGmbH ist ein forschungsorientiertes, gemeinnütziges Start-up mit den…
United Nations World Data Forum Blog on Healthcare Accessibility Map
In the context of the United Nations World Data Forum 2021 organised by the United Nations Statistics Division and UN member states a series of blogposts has been published by UNSTATS. Among them is one by Alexander Zipf about improving access to healthcare facilities through geoinformation and crowdsourcing. He introduces the Open Healthcare Access Map…
HGG Vortrag: Digitale Geographie im Katastrophenmanagement
Einladung Vortrag Online: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021, 19:15 Uhr Melanie Eckle-Elze, Benjamin Herfort, Dr. Carolin Klonner Digitale Geographie im Katastrophenmanagement Klimawandel, Bevölkerungswachstum, Verstädterung und weitere zunehmende Landnutzungsveränderungen führen dazu, dass immer mehr Menschen in Risikogebieten leben. Um die vorhandenen Risiken zu verstehen und angepasste (Vorsorge-) Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, bedarf es der Zusammenführung von Expertenwissen als…