Tag: OpenSteetMap

  • Two talks @ Royal Geographic Society: Data quality in OSM and spatiotemporal social media data analysis

    Last week members of the GIScience group Heidelberg contributed two talks to the final COST ENERGIC meeting, which was held at the historic Oondatje Theatre of the Royal Geographical Society in London. On Thursday, Benjamin Herfort and Melanie Eckle talked about the latest achievements, current state and future avenues of data quality assessments in OpenStreetMap.…

  • New HistOSM 2 released

    For all people who are interested in historic features of the OpenStreetMap dataset a complete new worldwide map service has been published. It is extending the original old HistOSM (*) from 2009 considerably. http://histosm.org/ As of October 2016 you can find 638.284 objects that were tagged ‘historic’ all over the world. The range of object…

  • Maptember in Brussels – GIScience Research Group at the HOT summit, SOTM 2016 and Missing Maps Meeting

    Brussels became the global center for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts, humanitarians and researchers during the last week. The 2nd HOT Summit was held on the 22nd September and was complemented by a Missing Maps Mapathon in the evening. From 23rd – 25th September the State of the Map conference opened their doors for the global OpenStreetMap community.…

  • Talk on Mapping the Crowd at Spatial Cognition Colloquium by A. Zipf and PhD of Ahmed Loai Ali

    today Dr. Ahmed Loai Ali successfully defended his Phd on “Enhancing Data Classification Quality of Volunteered Geographic Information” at Bremen Spatial Cognition Center with Prof. Freksa (Bremen) as first and Prof. Zipf (Heidelberg) as second reviewer. We congratulate Ahmed to his good results! The groups collaborated also earlier (see ref. below) and Ahmed Loai Ali…