Tag: openrouteservice

  • 2 Days left to Register for the 1st Climathon in Heidelberg am 26.-27. Oct 2019 am EMBL mit Unterstützung von HeiGIT/GIScience Heidelberg

    only a 2 days left for Pre-Registration 1st Climathon in Heidelberg am 26.-27. Oct 2019 am EMBL mit Unterstützung von HeiGIT/GIScience Heidelberg We are happy to share that GIScience Heidelberg/HeiGIT participate in the 1st Climathon in Heidelberg on Sat/Sun 26.-27. Oct 2019 at EMBL Heidelberg with a challenge on the following topic: Boost bicycle usage through…

  • Join us for the 1st Climathon in Heidelberg 26.-27. Oct 2019

    We are happy to share that GIScience Heidelberg/HeiGIT participate in the 1st Climathon in Heidelberg on Sat/Sun 26.-27. Oct 2019 at EMBL Heidelberg with a challenge on the following topic: Boost bicycle usage through more attractive bicycle routes Identify factors that make a bike route attractive and develop a prototype estimating these factors to facilitate…

  • Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction by HeiGIT – Celebrating the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

    Today we celebrate the International Day for #DisasterRiskReduction. HeiGIT offers a growing set of tools and services that support humanitarian aid during and before disasters. Examples include work in the context of the Missing Maps initiative, like conceptualising and extending microtasking apps like MapSwipe, as well as services for analysing MapSwipe data and making it…

  • Interested in time-dependent routing?

    We are delighted to invite you to join a workshop on open-source routing with time-dependent restrictions, see http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2019/04/17/project-tardur-starts-open-source-routing-with-time-dependent-restrictions/. The workshop is taking place on Friday before the State of the Map conference, 20th September 2019 in Heidelberg. It is free of charge and will last from 9:00 to 16:00 with a lunch break in between.…

  • New ORS Jupyter example about Fleet Scheduling for Disaster Response with ORS and VROOM

    Routing optimization in a humanitarian context Routing optimization generally solves the Vehicle Routing Problem (a simple example being the more widely known Traveling Salesman Problem). A more complex example would be the distribution of goods by a fleet of multiple vehicles to dozens of locations, where each vehicle has certain time windows in which it can operate…

  • meinGrün @roadto_festival: What OSM tells us about urban green space features

    Where is the next shaded bench to escape the burning heat? Where can I play soccer within the city and later on have a barbecue with my friends? All of these questions require information about features of urban green spaces. Although it is easy to find the right place within your own neighbourhood, it is…

  • Do you need a shady route because it is too hot?

    IT IS HOT! So you are looking for a more shady pedestrian route through the urban jungle? You might then prefer some routes that go through public green spaces with trees and bushes. Thank goodness we are working already on such green and also shady routing together with some partners in the mFund project meinGrün.…

  • Disaster Risk Reduction, OpenStreetMap and Missing Maps at Global Platform 2019

    Global Platform 2019 in Geneva Creating maps helps humanity. Drawing maps together with communities is crucial for effective risk reduction interventions, ensuring no one is left behind. The progress of the implementation of the targets set by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) have been key discussion points during this years Global Platform…

  • Sonniges „meinGrün“ Konsortiumstreffen in Heidelberg

    Letzte Woche fand das zweite große Konsortiumstreffen im Projekt „meinGrün“ in Heidelberg statt. Zusammen mit unseren Projektpartnern vom IÖR , DLR , ISB AG , dem Institut für Kartographie der TU Dresden , Terra Concordia (mundraub.org) und Urbanista haben wir zwei Tage lang an der Weiterentwicklung unserer App gearbeitet, welche es Bürgerinnen in Heidelberg und…

  • Projekt “TARDUR” startet: Open-Source-Routenplanung mit zeitabhängigen Beschränkungen

    Zeitabhängige Sperrungen und Nutzungsbeschränkungen von Straßen werden bislang in keiner frei verfügbaren Software zur Routenplanung genutzt. In dem im März gestarteten Projekt “TARDUR – Temporal Access Restrictions for Dynamic Ultra-Flexible Routing” gehen die Universität Heidelberg und die Firma GraphHopper dieses Problem an. Das Projekt wird im Rahmen der Förderrichtlinie Modernitätsfonds (“mFUND”) mit insgesamt 100.000 Euro…

  • meinGrün Umfrage: Wofür nutzen Sie städtische Grünflächen?

    Alle Jahre wieder blühen die Kirschbäume vor unserem Institutsgebäude in voller Pracht und laden Passanten allen Alters ein zum Verweilen. Städtische Grünflächen wie diese leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur urbanen Lebensqualität, indem sie viele Funktionen wie Naturerfahrung, sozialen Austausch und Erholung ermöglichen. Jedoch eignet sich nicht jeden Grünfläche gleichermaßen für jeden Einzelnen und jede Aktivität.…

  • Project “TARDUR” starts: Open-source routing with time-dependent restrictions

    Time-dependent restrictions and temporal road closures are so far not considered in any freely available software for route planning. Heidelberg University and the company GraphHopper aim to address this issue in their joint project “TARDUR – Temporal Access Restrictions for Dynamic Ultra-Flexible Routing”. The project started in March and is supported by the Federal Ministry…