Tag: openrouteservice

  • Quiet route planning for pedestrians in traffic noise polluted environments

    #Noise #pollution is one of the main stressors in urban environments, having negative impacts on people’s quality of life and health. For some groups of citizens, such as school children, patients, and elders, there is a need to support them in finding pedestrian routes in noise polluted areas of cities. In a new paper, we…

  • meinGrün Schnitzeljagd in Heidelberg gestartet

    Wo befindet sich dieser Spielplatz in Heidelberg? Wie komme ich zum nächst gelegenden Park und das möglichst auf einer Route mit viel Grün oder wenig Lärm? Wer das herausfinden möchte, sollte an der meinGrün Schnitzeljagd teilnehmen. Nachdem die Schnitzeljagd in Dresden bereits seit zwei Wochen läuft, können nun auch die HeidelbergerInnen zu Fuß oder auf…

  • HeiGIT gGmbH is One Year Old Today!

    Today (1st July 2020) marks the first birthday of HeiGIT gGmbH! Over this first year, HeiGIT, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology at Heidelberg University has been involved a large number of events, projects, publications, and press coverage. Founded on the 1st July 2019, HeiGIT is a non-for-profit organisation receiving core-funding by the Klaus Tschira…

  • Exploring OSM for healthcare access analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa

    [tl;dr] Using hospital locations and the ORS Isochrone service, we have created a method for comparing physical access to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hospital locations were derived from OpenStreetMap and compared against another free available dataset. Results indicate strong similarity in both hospital datasets, however the uncertainty of our method requires further evaluation. Figure 1…

  • Going green with MeinGrün – Today App launch in Heidelberg and Dresden

    Today the time has come: The “meinGrün” web app for Dresden and Heidelberg is officially launched. With the mobile application you can (re-)discover known and unknown green spaces and find a pleasant route to those. Users can learn about the functions of the app via virtual scavenger hunt. The app is the result of the…

  • Data Journalism WebApp about Accessibility in Sweden according to Corona Travel Recommendations

    Sveriges Television AB (the public Swedish television company) has published a data journalism WebApp showing how far one can travel according to the recommendations from the Swedish Public Health Authority. Of course the safest recommendation is not to travel at all during the corona crises – but if one absolutely has to, shorter trips of…

  • Mit „meinGrün“ ins Grüne – Projekt startet WebApp in Heidelberg und Dresden

    Am 19. Juni ist es soweit: Die „meinGrün“-WebApp für Dresden und Heidelberg geht offiziell an den Start. Mit der mobilen Anwendung lassen sich bekannte und unbekannte Grünflächen und der Weg dorthin neu entdecken. Per virtueller Schnitzeljagd können Nutzerinnen und Nutzer die Funktionen der App kennenlernen. Die App ist Ergebnis des Projektes meinGrün. Dieses wird im…

  • Advanced time-dependent routing soon available in Openrouteservice

    We are thrilled to give you a sneak peak into routing with time-dependent road restrictions, the outcome of our collaboration with GraphHopper GmbH in the research project TARDUR supported by the mFUND initiative of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) Germany. Our primary focus was on the most common time-dependent restrictions in OSM, namely access…

  • Quota for openrouteservice multi vehicle optimization increased to support logistics during Corona crisis

    Supplying medicine and food is critical not only in disasters. Due to increased global demand due to COVIDー19 HeiGIT increased the API quota for the openrouteservice multi vehicle route optimization endpoint! Now you can send up to 500 requests per day for each account for free. If you are in need for even higher problem sizes…

  • Openrouteservice Maps – Alternative routes, roundtrips and more …

    While naturally all of our features are already accessible via the openrouteservice API, we have now made some of the newer routing features accessible in our Maps Client on maps.openrouteservice.org. Alternative routes We all know that getting second opinions or suggestions for things can give you a better sense of security and allow for a…

  • Disaster monitoring with Openrouteservice, example from UN Pulse Lab Jarkarta

    Recently the UN Pulse Lab Jakarta has developed a disaster monitoring WebApp called the MIND/DisasterMon platform. According to UN Pulse Lab the objective of the MIND/DisasterMon platform is to try to answer questions related to Disaster Monitoring and emergency response by looking into various sources of data and information from open data platform and social media. The…

  • NASA uses Openrouteservice for study on disaster response times

    According to a recent post by NASA, researchers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, calculated the time that could have been saved if ambulance drivers and other emergency responders had near-real-time information about flooded roads, using the 2011 Southeast Asian floods as a case study. This was the first NASA study to…