Tag: openrouteservice

  • A fresh new ORS maps client

    We are happy to announce that the new openrouteservice maps client has been finished and released. It is an open source route planner with plenty of features for car, heavy vehicles, hiking, cycling and wheelchair, designed to be mobile friendly and offers several advanced features and filters, as well as support for export and import files.…

  • HeiGIT Services User Feedback Survey – only one more week!

    HeiGIT wants to serve you even better. Therefore we are conducting user feedback surveys regarding our various services. If you have ever used one of our OpenStreetMap based Online Services (or will do so now) for whatever purpose, we’d be very happy if you took the time and filled out the respective survey. THANK YOU!…

  • Updated OSM Healthcare in Senegal (2020)

    OpenStreetMap (OSM) offers many possibilities and holds potential in the area of freely available infrastructure data for the health sector. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that the quality of the information is different in each country, since the mapping activity is strongly affected by the size of the community of volunteers. Monetary barriers prevent…

  • Find the route to your nearest Covid-19 vaccination center in Germany — new App by HeiGIT based on OpenStreetMap and openrouteservice

    Where is is the closed Covid-19 vaccination center and what is the best way to get there? A new route planning app helps you answer this questions by suggesting ways to the nearest vaccination center. You can use this route planner now at https://impfzentrum.openrouteservice.org You only have to enter a starting location or allow the automatic…

  • Accessibility of covid-19 vaccination centers in Germany

    Updated based on newly available vaccination center locations at the 14th of January 2021. Vaccination of a sufficiently large share of the population is considered the most important action to fight the spread of SARS-CoV -2 and resulting COVID-19 infections. Germany has started together with the majority of EU member states at the 27th of…

  • New Jupyter Notebook: Analysis of Access to Health Care using openrouteservice Isochrones API

    What is the idea behind the Notebook? In the case of an emergency (e.g. floods, earthquakes, political crisis) it is important to know where the health facilities are located. Furthermore, it is important to identify which cities/districts have a reduced or no access at all to health facilities before an emergency. Many countries still posses…

  • Optimal ans Ziel: Routing-Dienste auf Basis nutzergenerierter Geodaten

    Ein neues Buch gibt in einem Buchkapitel einen Überblick der vielfältigen Aktivitäten von HeiGIT und GIScience im Bereich Routenplanung und Navigation. Neben Grundlagen (wie schnelle Routing-Algorithmen) zur Umsetzung werden vor allem diverse Anwendungsbeispiele für flexible Routing-Dienste in Spezialanwendungen vorgestellt. Hierzu zählen z.B. zeit-abhängige Routenplanung unter Nutzung relevanter Information aus OpenStreetMap, Routing-Anwendungen im Katastrophenmanagement und humanitären…

  • Sucessfull HeiKA autumn school urban data science

    The HeiKA autumn school urban data science that took place last week was a good success with participating students varying between five and fifteen during the week. Topics covered included visualization, spatial statistics, analysis of movement data, intrinsic data quality assessment based on the ohsome API and the use of the openrouteservice API. Hands-on exercises…

  • Mapping physical access to health care for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa and implications for the COVID-19 response: a cross-sectional analysis

    New paper published on healthcare access in Sub-Saharan Africa It is almost a year since SARS-CoV-2 first emerged in China. The virus spread all over the world. Countries south of the Sahara did not receive much attention. Although outbreaks here have a strong risk potential due to existing crises. In our new published paper we…

  • New embedded mode for OpenRouteService map client available

    The new openrouteservice map client development is in the final phase and has now a new feature that allows to show routes, isochrones and other features from openrouteservice (ORS) integrated on other websites. This allows webmasters and editors to embed those geographic features into their website using the new client. How to embed the maps…

  • Participate in the virtual Copernikus Hackathon 16-17-18 October! HeiGIT contributes with OSM based services

    On October 16-18 there is the Copernicus Hackathon “Barcelona” – Integrating Copernicus services and state-of-the-art tools within Weather-induced emergency management HeiGIT is involved in the Copernicus Hackathon by providing free and open web-based services and APIs which leverage OpenStreetMap data as valuable tools for disaster management. The HeiGIT services include: OpenRouteService API, sources, and clients,…

  • HeiGIT presentation at MSF GIS Week 2020

    This Thursday, team members from HeiGIT will give a presentation at MSF’s Annual GIS Week. This is an internal event at MSF ( Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International, Doctors without Borders), which brings together all employees working on GIS and geographic information management related topics. Our “OSM Data Dive” session will provide an introduction to OpenStreetMap…