Tag: openrouteservice

  • Revised set of tools published – CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 4, May 2016

    CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 4, May 2016 Revised set of tools published Dear Readers, The project has entered its third and final year at the start of 2016. After a successful project review in mid-February, the revised set of tools has now been made public. All CAP4Access tools deal with accessibility of the built environment and…

  • CAP4Access team active on the European protest day for the equal rights for people with disabilities

    May 5th is the European protest day for equal rights of people with disabilities. In this scope the Heidelberg advisory board of people with disabilities organised an event at the Theaterplatz Heidelberg to raise awareness regarding the needs of disabled people. As in the previous year the CAP4access team from GIScience group of Heidelberg university…

  • Report on the 6th PCC meeting of CAP4Access EU project

    The 6th PCC meeting of CAP4Access EU project was held during 21st and 22nd of April in Vienna. Adam Rousell, Stefan Hahmann and Amin Mobasheri attended this meeting from GIScience research group of Heidelberg University. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the progress of deliverables as well as to perform the first experiment…

  • Mapping Event to support relief efforts in Ecuador

    Last Thursday students and researchers of the GIScience group and the Geographical Institute, members of the OSM community and Open Data supporters gathered to support the Ecuador activation of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). In response to the severe earthquake last Saturday, the HOT team had launched several mapping projects to enable the creation of…

  • Reminder: Today OSM Mapathon for Ecuador Disaster at Heidelberg University

    everybody is invited to join our OpenStreetMap Mapathon this evening (Thursday April 21st) at 18pm in the auditorium of the Insitute of Geography Heidelberg University, in the Berliner Straße 48, 69120 Heidelberg. Further information here. Also check our Disaster OpenRouteService for Ecuador at http://openls.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/disaster

  • Disaster OpenRouteService for Ecuador Earthquake

    In order to provide emergency and rescue forces in Ecuador with the latest information concerning infrastructural conditions of roads and buildings the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (H.O.T.) as part of the OpenStreetMap Community coordinates the crisis mapping activities for the Ecuador earthquake. As a first support of these activities the GIScience Heidelberg team set up a…

  • GIScience contributed to workshop “Open Data” in Heidelberg

    Last friday the GIScience Research Group was invited to participate in a follow-up workshop on “Open Data”. Already in December 2015 the GIScience Research Group and the disastermappers heidelberg had been invited to present their work on Open Data in the 10th “Modellierungstag” of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the…

  • OpenRouteService Update 3.1 – with Surface Information and more!

    In our latest release we have primarily focused on optimising and stabilising the backend and on adding new elements to provide an improved user experience throughout the OpenRouteService 3.1. We improved the visualisation of real-time traffic information for the route instructions as they now appear as number of warnings within the route summary (currently for Germany…

  • OpenRouteService featured in MENSCHEN. das magazin.

    Among other great apps OpenRouteService and the corresponding Navigation App developed in our group have been mentioned in the germanwide magazine “MENSCHEN. das magazin.” (~30k copies). The current issue has a special focus on accessibility, where particularly the wheelchair profile of ORS that is currently under development in the scope of the CAP4Access project fits…

  • CAP4Access participated in symposium on inclusive society in Heidelberg

    Yesterday, the Heidelberg CAP4Access team contributed to an symposium on the topic of inclusive society that was held in the old congress hall in the historic center of Heidelberg. The symposium was organized by Stiftung Lebenshilfe Heidelberg. We have presented some of our latest  CAP4Access developments, particularly the accessible route planning profile of OpenRouteService, on…

  • GIScience Research Group Heidelberg becomes Member of the Missing Maps Project

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University is happy to announce their official membership in the Missing Maps Project. The objective of the Missing Maps Project is to map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, in order that international and local NGOs and individuals can use the maps and data to better respond…

  • Open Position GIScience HD: Navigation, Routing & mobile LBS with OpenStreetMap

    Stellenausschreibung Geoinformatik, Universität Heidelberg Navigation, Routing & LBS mit OSM (VGI) Am Lehrstuhl Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle als Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter (100%, TVL) – gerne als PostDoc – zu besetzen. Die relevanten Themengebiete beinhalten insbesondere Forschung und Entwicklung in min. einem der folgenden Bereiche (Schwerpunktsetzung möglich): • Navigation (In- / Outdoor) mit…