Tag: openrouteservice
Openrouteservice-py now available on PyPi – Easy Routing, Geocoding, Isochrones and Matrix Routing with Python!
We have finally developed a pretty handy python API for all of you pythoniasts out there. This library makes requests to the openrouteservice API extremely simple. With this you will be able to query the following services with a couple of lines of python code. directions matrix geocoding isochrones To provide a quick and dirty…
ORS NEWS: more frequent updates, new GPX response, snapping tolerance
Updating the ORS routing graph… frequently! We’re very happy to announce two more important core features for our services: Weekly OSM planet.pbf update! md5 checksum included in response! How old is the OpenStreetMap planet file which was used to build the openrouteservice road network? This is a question many of you have asked over the past. To…
New OpenRouteService Matrix API to speed up batch routing calculations
Admittedly, the OpenRouteService Matrix API is anything but new. Already implemented in mid 2017, it’s been soaring to high demand by numerous clients across the globe ever since. Finally we want to give it the credit it deserves. The ORS Matrix API is the precursor to solve important problems like the traveling salesman problem and even more…
New Real-time OSM service provides custom up-to-date Extracts of OpenStreetMap Data
Disaster events damage human infrastructure and its surroundings within seconds. To support humanitarian logistics, the Disaster OpenRouteService needs the latest, most accurate data available. While crowd-sourcing OSM updates during disasters proved very successful, there is not yet a convenient way of automatically accessing up-to-date OSM data for specific regions of interest. Addressing this need, HeiGIT…
Invited GIScience Heidelberg OSM Services Demo Keynote at GEOINFO 2017
This week sees the 18th GEOINFO conference taking part in Salvador. It is the annual conference for exploring ongoing research, development and innovative applications on geographic information science in Brazil. Alexander Zipf is among the keynote speakers. In the special demo session he will highlight some of the OSM related web services for data quality assessment and…
Today OpenRouteService at 7th GeoIT WhereCamp Conference Berlin
Today we present the latest version and details on the technical API of OpenRouteService at the 7th GeoIT WhereCamp Conference Berlin. Tim from the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) will talk about Consuming Open Data for Highly Customizable Route Planning He will show some examples of the very rich feature set and API of OpenRouteService…
Routing through open spaces – a performance comparison of algorithms
Finding the shortest path through open spaces is a well-known challenge for pedestrian routing engines. A common solution is routing on the open space boundary, which causes in most cases an unnecessarily long route. A possible alternative is to create a subgraph within the open space. In a recently published paper authors from GIScience Research…
Keynote at ‘Fachaustausch Geoinformation’ Heidelberg / Meet GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT
The regional GI Conference “Fachaustausch Geoinformatik” of the GeoNet.MRN is taking place on this Thursday Nov 23rd at the Print Media Academy Heidelberg. Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving one keynote about analysis and usage potential of free and open geodata. He will present some of the related work of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and…
Openrouteservice partners with German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) and releases new features
We are proud to announce our partnership with the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy [German: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)] which is the central service provider of topographic data, cartography, and geodetic reference systems for the German government. The agency works under the Federal Ministry of the Interior, with specialist departments in…
Keynote at DLR.Open OpenGeoData Open Data Science Workshop
Today Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving an invited keynote speech at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. The DLR organises a two day workshop called “DLR.Open II – Open Data Science und Open Geodata“. This is the second workshop on Open…
Special Issue “Online Participation” of “HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik” has been published with paper on OpenStreetMap
Recently the full Special Issue “Online Participation” of the German journal “HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik” has been published online by Springer. It also includes our invited overview article about online participation in the context of geographic information, especially OpenStreetMap (in German). It is available open access: Griesbaum, L., Eckle, M., Herfort, B., Raifer, M., Zipf,…