Tag: openrouteservice
Openrouteservice Developers Dashboard Revamped
Over the past few months the openrouteservice team has worked on a new developers dashboard in order to make the registration and usage of the API more easy and accessible. Now the developers using the openrouteservice API will experience a more intuitive, responsive interface and with a more polished better look and feel to view…
New Jupyter Notebook: Analysis of Access to Health Care using OpenRouteService Isochrones API
We published a new jupyter notebook which depicts how to use the OpenRouteService Isochrones API to analyse health care acessibility in Madagascar. In the case of a disaster (natural or man made), a country is not only affected by the intensity of the disaster but also by it’s own vulnerability to it. Countries have different…
AGIT30 was ohsome (and awesome)
Members of the HeiGIT team were presenting parts of our work at this years AGIT/GI_Forum conference in Salzburg, Austria (as already announced in a previous blogpost). Julian Bruns was presenting the results of a joint work with the KIT and his old employer, the FZI, which is published in the GI-Forum journal (English conference running in parallel to the…
Apartment search with Openrouteservice; a new Python notebook example:
As promised we offer some more examples on how to use Openrouteservice for some applications. In this notebook example, we’d like to showcase one way to go about finding an apartment based on OSM data. We’ll using different openrouteservice API’s to help you look for an apartment. Here is the full example with code and…
R package for Openrouteservice released!
Great news for all enthusiasts of R stats – the popular open source stats system: the HeiGIT ORS team has developed a package to facilitate querying the openrouteservice API from R. It allows you to painlessly consume the following services: directions (routing) geocode isochrones (accessibilty) time-distace matrix pois (points of interest) You do not have to fiddle with processing…
Celebrating 10 Years of Openrouteservice – The First OpenStreetMap Route Planner
Exactly 10 years ago openrouteservice.org came online for the very first time. Back then it was the very first online routing service consuming data from OpenStreetMap.org covering larger areas. So to say it is ‘the original‘ OSM routing service. It initially started with Germany only and soon we provided routing for Europe and finally the…
Keynote at GISRUK Conference 2018, Leicester
Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf is a invited keynote speaker at the 26th annual GIScience Research UK conference (GISRUK) will be held at the University of Leicester on 17-20 April 2018. On Thursday April 18th he will give a talk on “Operationalising Volunteered Geographic Information – From Analytics to Improvement and Application“. Much research has been…
FOSSGIS.de Talk on Near Real Time OSM Data Extraction Service for Openrouteservice
Are you at the FOSSGIS.de conference in Bonn this week? Don’t miss the lightning talk by Stefan Eberlein on OpenStreetMap Extracts as a Service in near “Real-Time”. Date: 22.03., 9:4 am. Room: Alfred-Philippson-Hörsaal Lightning Talk: OpenStreetMap-Extrakte als Service in nahezu “Real-Time” Track: Freie Daten The Real-time OSM data extraction service provides individual OSM extracts in…
Avoiding Countries, Fetching Population Statistics and Responding in GeoJSON with Openrouteservice!
Restricting Borders in openrouteservice Have you ever wanted to route between countries in Europe but only cross Schengen borders? Or maybe route from Detroit to Buffalo without crossing into Canada? Well now with openrouteservice you can! With the introduction of the new border crossing restrictions feature on driving profiles, you can tell the openrouteservice API to…
Enrichment of OpenStreetMap Data Completeness with Sidewalk Geometries for Wheelchair Routing
Tailored routing and navigation services utilized by wheelchair users (such as provided by OpenRouteService.org ) require certain information about sidewalk geometries and their attributes to execute efficiently. Except some minor regions/cities, such detailed information is often not sufficiently present in current versions of crowdsourced mapping databases including OpenStreetMap. In a recent study (1) we aim…