Tag: OpenRouteSerivce

  • The EU-Project “Gitterzellendatenbank”: Determining Reachability Made Easy With Openrouteservice (ORS)

    The EU-Project “Gitterzellendatenbank”: Determining Reachability Made Easy With Openrouteservice (ORS)

    Free open geodata are of increasing importance. They are used in research or case studies and can lead to important insights on social, economic or environmental topics. A problem that often occurs while working with various kinds of geodata is that they cannot be used together because of differing spatial reference units. The Federal Agency…

  • Open Source Routing and Optimization at the Global Health Supply Chain Summit 2023

    Open Source Routing and Optimization at the Global Health Supply Chain Summit 2023

    HeiGIT Product Manager for Smart Mobility Julian Psotta attended this year’s Global Health Supply Chain Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. The main goal of the GHSCS 2023 was to learn and share experiences from people directly working on issues related to this year’s theme: “Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains for Equitable Access to Healthcare”. From November…

  • Flood Impact Assessment on Road Network and Healthcare Access at the example of Jakarta, Indonesia

    Extreme natural events create catastrophic situations for cities and their populations. Due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, the number and intensity of these events has steadily increased at the global scale. Floods are the most common natural disaster worldwide, responsible for economic, social and life losses. Low-income countries have a death rate 23 times…

  • OpenRouteService with waypoint optimization

    As promised earlier this year, we are very happy to finally announce the unveiling of our new route optimization endpoint! We deployed an instance of the popular Vroom open-source engine, which is capable of solving complex Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) in record time. This type of problem always occurs when multiple locations need to be visited…

  • Addressing the challenge of localizing SDGs with openrouteservice

    Where is the next health center? What areas show less accessibility to health centers and are therefore the most vulnerable? In 2018, the openrouteservice team already illustrated how these questions related to vulnerability can be addressed with openrouteservice APIs, at that time for disaster prone regions in Madagascar. Learn more here. Also at that time…

  • The potential of OSM for landuse, health and humanitarian applications

    Recently, Michael Schulz from GIScience Heidelberg gave a talk at the colloquium of Prof. Carl Baierkuhnlein at the University of Bayreuth. During his talk he presented the results on OpenStreetMap usage targeting humanitarian applications, healthy and green routing based on openrouteservice and ecological analysis or the global climate protection map. OSM is harnessed for an abundance…

  • Accessibility analysis of public transport in Stuttgart

    The Statistical Office of the City of Stuttgart determined the walking time to the nearest public transport stop for every place in the city using our QGIS plugin OSM Tools. With OSM Tools it only takes a few mouse clicks to access most of the functions of the openrouteservice. The toolset includes routing, isochrones and…

  • Openrouteservice.org at INTERGEO 2018

    We are happy to announce that we are going to be part of INTERGEO 2018 in Frankfurt this year. This event being the “global hub of the geospatial community” has quite something to offer with hundreds and hundreds of innovative companies showcasing their products and visions. We are joining up with the Federal Agency for…

  • Missing Maps Gathering, FOSS4G and HOT Summit 2018 in Dar es Salaam

    As previously announced, Sabrina Marx and Melanie Eckle recently visited Dar es Salaam to attend the Missing Maps Members Gathering and to join the FOSS4G and HOT Summit community for their joint annual gatherings. The Missing Maps Members Gathering was the first side event of the conference week. Likewise to previous years, the Missing Maps…

  • Today & tomorrow GIScience Heidelberg Talks in Africa and Australia

    This Wednesday and Thursday we have presentations from the GIScience research group Heidelberg on two remote contintents – both in Africa and in Australia: On Wednesday: First down under at GIScience Melbourne in Australia Rene Westerholt will present the work related to our PLATIAL18 workshop: Westerholt, R., Gröbe, M., Zipf, A. and Burghardt, D. (2018): Towards the statistical…

  • Openrouteservice for Disaster Management: Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Hourly Updates

    The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) provides immediate support for disaster or humanitarian responses by coordinating and activating a global network of mappers that contribute up-to-date geodata to the OSM database. For example, after the Nepal earthquake 2015 volunteers added up to 800 km to the OSM street network per hour! This information could successfully support…

  • Open Position: Software Developer: OpenStreetMap Routing Services, Backend & Algorithms

    Software Engineer OSM Routing Services, Backend & Algorithms Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) You genuinely enjoy developing open source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for high-performance services for global coverage? Then we actually might have…