Tag: ohsome
Introducing the humstats.heigit.org dashboard about Humanitarian Mapping in OpenStreetMap
Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has become a global community effort. Mappers have added more than 60 Million buildings to OSM through HOT’s Tasking Manager. That’s around 13% of all OSM…
How to become ohsome part 7 different ways to access the ohsome API
A new month – a new post of the how to become #ohsome blog series. Welcome to part 7, in which we will show you 7 different ways how you can send a request to the ohsome API using different tools and programming languages. In case this is your first blog of how to become…
New function in the ohsome API for checking query parameters
As you may already know from the latest blog posts, new advancements are brought with the release 1.0 of the #ohsome API. One minor function involves the correctness of parameters that you can use in your queries, which was developed by our intern Rosario in the last weeks. The new feature Let’s say you send…
Introducing ohsome2label tool to generate training samples from OpenStreetMap for geospatial deep learning
After more than a decade of rapid development of volunteered geographic information (VGI), VGI has already become one of the most important research topics in the GIScience community. Almost in the meantime, we have witnessed the ever-fast growth of geospatial deep learning technologies to develop smart GIServices and to address remote sensing tasks, for instance,…
How to become ohsome part 6: Introducing the magical filter parameter
We are back again with a fresh part of the How to become ohsome blog series. In case this 6th part of the series is your first one, or you have not heard from our awesome OpenStreetMap History Data Analytics Platform before (short form: ohsome platform), don’t worry. We’ve added some context, as well as…
HeiGIT gGmbH is One Year Old Today!
Today (1st July 2020) marks the first birthday of HeiGIT gGmbH! Over this first year, HeiGIT, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology at Heidelberg University has been involved a large number of events, projects, publications, and press coverage. Founded on the 1st July 2019, HeiGIT is a non-for-profit organisation receiving core-funding by the Klaus Tschira…
Sphinx is ohsome – new documentation of the ohsome API
What does the tool behind the recently published documentation of the ohsome API have in common with a statue made of stones in Egypt? – Apart from the name, both are of course awesome (and now also ohsome). As previously announced, together with the open source release 1.0 of the ohsome API, we have published a…
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has been selected by the Audacious Project
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has announced major financial support from the Audacious Project, which will be provided over the next five years. HOT aims to use this funding to grow OpenStreetMap (OSM) communities in 94 countries. By engaging one million volunteers the goal is to map an area home to one billion people living…
Exploring OSM for healthcare access analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa
[tl;dr] Using hospital locations and the ORS Isochrone service, we have created a method for comparing physical access to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hospital locations were derived from OpenStreetMap and compared against another free available dataset. Results indicate strong similarity in both hospital datasets, however the uncertainty of our method requires further evaluation. Figure 1…
ohsome API 1.0 is here
As we’ve announced it in a previous post, the Open Source release 1.0 of the ohsome API has finally arrived. As a reminder, or for those of you that hear “ohsome” for the first time, the aim of the ohsome OpenStreetMap History Data Analytics Platform is to make OpenStreetMap’s full-history data more easily accessible for various kinds…
Announcing release 1.0 of ohsome API
Big news from the ohsome team: the release 1.0 of one of our major services, the ohsome API for ohsome OpenStreetMap History Analytics, is on the doorstep. We are bringing three major advancements along with this version. The first one is a completely new documentation of the API giving several examples to different endpoints. The…
Analysing OSM Completeness of health facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa in ohsomeHeX
A new map in ohsomeHeX provides an overview of areas in Sub-Sahara Africa where information on health facilities is still missing in OpenStreetMap (OSM). The completeness of OSM is measured by comparing to a reference dataset on public health facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa, which was developed by Maina et al. 2019. Especially in these days,…