Tag: ohsome
Preview of the ohsome Nepal dashboard
The ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform, which is currently developed at HeiGIT, will make OSM’s full-history data more easily accessible. We are pleased to announce that we are coming closer to reaching our objectives, hereby sharing a preview of the first ohsome web dashboard. Our dashboards will allow you to explore OSM full-history data using…
Introducing the ohsome OSM History Analytics Platform
The big spatial data analytics team at HeiGIT is currently developing the ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform. Our aim is to make OSM’s full-history data more easily accessible for various kinds of data analytics tasks on a global scale. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a freely available map of the world to which everyone may contribute geographic…
ECSA Webinar on #citizenscience for monitoring urban landscape dynamics with GIScience Heidelberg
Join the next ECSA webinar on “Citizen Science for monitoring urban landscape dynamics”! The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) will host a webinar on the topic of “Citizen Science for monitoring urban landscape dynamics”. The webinar will include two talks: Assessing urban green space in Vienna (by Gebhard Banko and Barbara Birli from the Austrian Environmental…
Invited GIScience Heidelberg OSM Services Demo Keynote at GEOINFO 2017
This week sees the 18th GEOINFO conference taking part in Salvador. It is the annual conference for exploring ongoing research, development and innovative applications on geographic information science in Brazil. Alexander Zipf is among the keynote speakers. In the special demo session he will highlight some of the OSM related web services for data quality assessment and…
Keynote at ‘Fachaustausch Geoinformation’ Heidelberg / Meet GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT
The regional GI Conference “Fachaustausch Geoinformatik” of the GeoNet.MRN is taking place on this Thursday Nov 23rd at the Print Media Academy Heidelberg. Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving one keynote about analysis and usage potential of free and open geodata. He will present some of the related work of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and…
Keynote at DLR.Open OpenGeoData Open Data Science Workshop
Today Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving an invited keynote speech at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. The DLR organises a two day workshop called “DLR.Open II – Open Data Science und Open Geodata“. This is the second workshop on Open…
10 years of OSM data history with OSM API 0.5
As our HeiGIT / GIScience team member Martin Raifer (tyr_asd) pointed out at his OSM diary, this weekend is the 10 year anniversary of OSM’s API version 0.5. He stresses the importance of this as “This is the version of the OSM-API that introduced (among other things) the version number on all OSM objects, making…
HeiGIT/GIScience Heidelberg partnership with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
We are happy to hereby announce the official partnership of the HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)! The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University has been supporting the use of OpenStreetMap for humanitarian and disaster management purposes already since 2008 when the first instance of the Disaster and Emergency OpenRouteService was…