Tag: ohsome API

  • ohsome-py 4.0.0

    ohsome-py 4.0.0

    The ohsome-py Python package is a client for the ohsome API, designed to facilitate the extraction and analysis of historical OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. The package simplifies handling API requests and responses by converting them into pandas or GeoPandas data frames, making data analysis and visualization easier. With ohsome-py, you gain all the functionalities of the…

  • Version 1.0 of the ohsome quality API and ohsome dashboard

    At HeiGIT and in particular within the ohsome team, we strive to provide valuable insights into OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. The ohsome API offers aggregated statistics on the evolution of OSM elements since 2020. These are made easily accessible by the ohsome dashboard. With the ohsome quality API, previously called ohsome quality analyst (OQT), we continue…