Tag: MapSwipe

  • disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathons this semester

    as mentioned earlier this Monday will see the first of our disastermappers heidelberg Mapathons this summer semester. But this will definitely not be your only chance to participate in some collaborative OSM mapping or learning how to work with OSM data this semester at Heidelberg University. So here is the current schedule. This should help…

  • Semester Start Mapathon with Kathmandu Living Labs

    Dear Students, Mappers and Employees, we would like to invite you to the first mapathon, mapping party, mapswipeathon of this semester, which will be focusing on Nepal. (Just in time with the upcoming talk at the HGG on tuesday.) 😀 When? 07.05.2018, 6 pm Where? Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48 Our mapathon is organized in…

  • Keynote at GISRUK Conference 2018, Leicester

    Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf is a invited keynote speaker at the 26th annual GIScience Research UK conference (GISRUK) will be held at the University of Leicester on 17-20 April 2018. On Thursday April 18th he will give a talk on “Operationalising Volunteered Geographic Information – From Analytics to Improvement and Application“. Much research has been…

  • First State of the Map Tanzania was successful

    The first State of Map Conference in Tanzania was organised by the tanzanian OSM community and the Ramani Huria Team based in Dar es Salaam from 8-10th December. The GIScience Research Group contributed to the program by introducing MapSwipe and organizing an workshop on OpenStreetMap and the use of QGIS. (Photo: @InnocentMaholi) The conference brought…

  • Keynote at ‘Fachaustausch Geoinformation’ Heidelberg / Meet GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT

    The regional GI Conference “Fachaustausch Geoinformatik” of the GeoNet.MRN is taking place on this Thursday Nov 23rd at the Print Media Academy Heidelberg. Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving one keynote about analysis and usage potential of free and open geodata. He will present some of the related work of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and…

  • Semester Start: OSM Ersti-Mapathon in Heidelberg

    Dear Mapping Enthusiasts, We want to welcome the freshman students to Heidelberg University and start the new semester with our next mapathon! At our Ersti-mapathon we want to introduce everyone interested to OpenStreetMap mapping. Therefore, no previous knowledge is necessary. In addition our MapSwipe App will be presented. We will show how you can create geo…

  • Keynote at DLR.Open OpenGeoData Open Data Science Workshop

    Today Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving an invited keynote speech at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. The DLR organises a two day workshop called “DLR.Open II – Open Data Science und Open Geodata“. This is the second workshop on Open…

  • HeiGIT/GIScience at annual HOT and Missing Maps events in Canada

    Canada- picturesque mountains, craggy-coasts, vast untouched landscapes, diverse cultures- and a country that is increasingly supporting the use of open data. In this vein, last week the capital of Canada became a place for exchange, knowledge sharing and awareness building all around the use of open data to support humanitarian and disaster related purposes. The…

  • Maptember in Ottawa: HeiGIT/GIScience at Missing Maps and HOT gatherings

    This year the capital of Canada will become the gathering place for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and Missing Maps community and partners. September 12th/13th the Missing Maps members will come together for their annual meeting to discuss current projects, challenges, ideas and future plans. The next two days, September 14th/15th, the HOT Summit will…

  • MapSwipe Live – View the latest contributions!

    Many people asked us, whether it would be possible to see their own contributions to MapSwipe on the map. Therefore, in the last few days we worked on a small project to extend our MapSwipe Analytics page. The new “Live View” shows the latest contributions from the MapSwipe volunteers and functions similar to the show-me-the-way…

  • HeiGIT/GIScience Heidelberg partnership with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

    We are happy to hereby announce the official partnership of the HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)! The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University has been supporting the use of OpenStreetMap for humanitarian and disaster management purposes already since 2008 when the first instance of the Disaster and Emergency OpenRouteService was…

  • Happy Birthday MapSwipe!

    Already one year ago that MapSwipe was officially launched! A big thank you to our contributors for your support – one year of tapping, swiping and putting families on the map! In just one year thousands of users contributed more than 10 million taps and thereby provided crucial information on unmapped places. In projects like…