Two new tools provided on GITHub: HELIOS (LiDAR simulator), VOSTOK (3D solar potential calculation)
On the GIScience GITHub, two new tools are now available: The Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator HELIOS is a software package for interactive real-time simulation and visualization of terrestrial, mobile and airborne laser scanning surveys. Own virtual scenes can be generated by combining for example terrain models with other objects (buildings, vegetation). Own scan positions as…
Impressions from ISPRS Congress 2016 in Prague
As we mentioned earlier, we contributed four papers to the ISPRS congress and participated in the CATCON contest for brilliant Computer Assisted Teaching tools. Our new LiDAR Simulator called HELIOS developed by Sebastian Bechtold received a lot of attention. You can also find us in this video of congress day 3. Our young researchers Katharina,…
Four contributions from GIScience Heidelberg at the ISPRS Congress in Prague
The LiDAR Research Group (LRG) of GIScience Heidelberg is contributing novel approaches for geological outcrop characterization, LiDAR simulation, tree classification as well as education in close-range sensing. You are kindly invited to visit our presentations at the ISPRS Congress 2016 in Prague. Furthermore our new HELIOS LiDAR Simulator will participate in the CATCON contest for…