• Deep learning with simulated laser scanning data for 3D point cloud classification

    Deep learning with simulated laser scanning data for 3D point cloud classification

    Esmorís, A.M., Weiser, H., Winiwarter, L., Cabaleiro, J.C. & Höfle, B. (2024): Deep learning with simulated laser scanning data for 3D point cloud classification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 215, pp. 192-213. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2024.06.018 3D point clouds acquired by laser scanning are invaluable for the analysis of geographic phenomena. To extract information…

  • VirtuaLearn3D: New Preprint

    VirtuaLearn3D: New Preprint

    We have published a preprint of our recent work in the VirtuaLearn3D project! Deep learning with simulated laser scanning data for 3D point cloud classification Esmorís, A.M., Weiser, H., Winiwarter, L., Cabaleiro, J.C. & Höfle, B. (2024) Laser scanning is an active remote sensing technique to acquire state-of-the-art spatial measurements in the form of 3D…

  • New paper on the potential of simulated laser scanning and field data to train forest biomass models

    New paper on the potential of simulated laser scanning and field data to train forest biomass models

    In great collaboration with colleagues from Karlsruhe (DE), Vienna (AT), Brno (CZ), Leipzig (DE), Raszyn (PL), and Berlin (DE), we published a paper investigating approaches to improve LiDAR-based biomass models when only limited sample plots with field data are available. The main work was carried out by PhD student Jannika Schäfer (IFGG, Karlsruhe Institute of…

  • DFG Software Grant

    DFG Software Grant

    Successful proposal: Fostering a community-driven and sustainable HELIOS++ scientific software The 3DGeo Group and the Scientific Software Center (SSC) of Heidelberg University have been successful with their proposal in the DFG call “Research Software – Quality assured and re-usable”, together with two other project proposals at Heidelberg University (see press release). The main objective of…

  • 🦇 Halloween release of HELIOS++, v1.3.0

    🦇 Halloween release of HELIOS++, v1.3.0

    We proudly present our Halloween release of HELIOS++, Version 1.3.0: https://github.com/3dgeo-heidelberg/helios/releases What’s new in this release? HELIOS++ now supports LiDAR simulation of dynamic scenes. We can now simulate laser scanning of scenes that change during the simulation. This is done by introducing rigid motions, which are defined with XML syntax in the scene XML file.…

  • Kick-off: AImon5.0 – Real-time monitoring of gravitational mass movements for critical infrastructure risk management with AI-assisted 3D metrology

    In September 2023, our new research project AImon5.0 has been kicked-off. In this project the open-source frameworks HELIOS++ and py4dgeo of the 3DGeo research group will be combined to enhance current approaches for operational risk monitoring. AImon5.0 is an interdisciplinary collaboration project of the 3DGeo research group with DMT GmbH & Co. KG (project leader),…