Tag: heigit

  • New Disaster OpenRouteService for Africa, South America and Indonesia released, supporting humanitarian logistics with OSM more sustainably

    Recently HeiGIT @ GIScience Heidelberg released a dedicated stable disaster version of OpenRouteService (ORS) to support humanitarian logistics within specific regions of catastrophes with data from OSM in a more sustainable way. Since his start in 2008 OpenRouteServivce had been spontaneously applied for specific real world disaster cases already numerous times, for instance during the earthquakes in…

  • GIScience support for German Red Cross

    Following the example of the British, American and Netherland Red Cross, who are as the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg all members of Missing Maps and have been collaborating with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and our research group for a couple of years, the German Red Cross (GRC) organized their first Mapathon in Berlin beginning…

  • Open Data Meeting of AG Open Government Städtetag Baden-Württemberg

    today the interdisciplinary working group “Open Government” of “Städtetag Baden-Württemberg” meets in Heidelberg for a workshop on Open Data. Among the invited speakers are for example – Michael Winckler, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Rechnen Uni Heidelberg (IWR) talking about “Open Data aus Sicht einer Forschungseinrichtung” – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, GIScience Heidelberg / HeiGIT), with…

  • 10 Million Contributions: It’s time for MapSwipe Analytics!

    The MapSwipe App is widely used by many volunteers who donate their time and brain capacity to find buildings or roads on satellite imagery. Just recently we counted the 10,000,000th contribution! After only 6 months since MapSwipe was launched! The outcome of these efforts are mainly used by humanitarian organisations like MSF, Netherlands Red Cross…

  • Missing Maps talk at Impact Hub Bergen

    How can we combine technology and digitalisation with doing good? That is the main focus for the 2017 Impact Night series organized by and at the Impact Hub Bergen. Last evenings Impact Night was about Tech for Change and disaster response. Therefore the Impact Hub team invited Per Aarvik, President of the StandbyTaskForce, Sam Applebee,…

  • HeiGIT auf der CeBIT: Smarte Geodienste für Smart Cities

    Zusammen mit Heidelberg Mobil International (HDMI) wird das neue „Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology“ (HeiGIT) dieses Jahr erstmalig auf der CeBIT in Hannover auf dem Smart City Forum vertreten sein. Dabei stehen ortsbasierte Dienste zur Navigation unter Berücksichtigung vielfältiger Anforderungen im Fokus. Wir zeigen das Potenzial nutzer-generierter OpenStreetMap-Daten und innovativer Geoinformationstechnologien für Smart City-Anwendungen, und…

  • Reminder Deadline for Open Position: Innovation Management Geoinformation Technology

    Stellenausschreibung Research & Innovation Manager Geoinformation Technology Zur Förderung von Technologietransfer und angewandter Forschung im Bereich Geoinformatik wird derzeit mit Grundförderung der Klaus-Tschira Stiftung Heidelberg das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) aufgebaut. Dies soll zukünftig als An-Institut weitergeführt werden. http://HeiGIT.org Hierfür wird ein Research & Innovation Manager Geoinformation Technology gesucht (100%). Die Aufgaben beinhalten insbesondere: Strategische Konzeption…

  • GIScience Heidelberg presentation at Münchner GI-Runde

    This week Prof. Alexander Zipf presented some recent work of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT at the “Münchner GI-Runde” of the “Runde Tisch GIS e.V. Munich”. The overall topic of the presentation was spatio-temporal analysis from user generated geodata such as VGI or AGI (Social Media). Examples included work on OSM quality analytics…

  • Job Offer: Research & Innovation Management Geoinformation Technology, Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT)

    Stellenausschreibung Zur Förderung von Technologietransfer und angewandter Forschung im Bereich Geoinformatik wird derzeit mit Grundförderung der Klaus-Tschira Stiftung Heidelberg das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) aufgebaut. Dies soll zukünftig als An-Institut weitergeführt werden. http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/gis/heigit.html Hierfür wird ein Research & Innovation Manager Geoinformation Technology gesucht (100%). Die Aufgaben beinhalten insbesondere: Strategische Konzeption neuer R&D-Aktivitäten, Dienste,…

  • Joint GeoTech Workshop with Heidelberg Mobil and HeiGIT

    Today colleagues from Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH (HDMI) and Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) met in Mathematikon to discuss current trends and activities in developing and advancing Geoinformation Technologies. Several presentations were given and fruitful discussions covered a broad range of topics that the two institutions are actively working on. Topics ranged from automated…

  • OpenRouteService introduces E-bike and Level of Fitness

    We have been busy working on some new features within the OpenRouteService which are especially suited for bicyclists. For starters we introduced an electronic bicycle profile which especially comes in handy for accessibility analyses considering elevation information. To this end you will notice that inclines will not have such a large impact on the reachability…

  • A Route Planner for Every Eventuality – Report about GIScience & HeiGIT

    Heidelberg University reports about some of the work of the GIScience research group and at the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), which is currently being established and core funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. The short reports are available in English and in German. Enjoy! Check some of the Online Services by GIScience &…