Tag: heigit
Meet us at State of the Map 2018 Milan: Ohsome talks and workshop ahead!
In a few days – THIS Saturday July, 29. – the State of the Map 2018 Conference in Milan will opening its doors with many interesting talks and workshops related to OpenStreetMap. HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University will be there with several persons and give the following presentations and even a…
HOT End of semester Mapathon and BBQ
Flood events caused serious harm in wide areas of Japan and Sri Lanka over the last couple of weeks. Heavy rain, floods and landslides occured in South West area of Japan and monsoon rains have caused severe flooding in the Kurunagala and Puttalam districts of Sri Lanka. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has received requests…
HeiGIT/GIScience@FOSS4G 2018
FOSS4G 2018 is only 42 days away and we are excited to present our Openrouteservice for Disaster Management there. Furthermore, we will provide insights on the potential of the ohsome platform for the HOT community. Check out the program for further details. We hope to see you in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, August 27 –…
AGIT30 was ohsome (and awesome)
Members of the HeiGIT team were presenting parts of our work at this years AGIT/GI_Forum conference in Salzburg, Austria (as already announced in a previous blogpost). Julian Bruns was presenting the results of a joint work with the KIT and his old employer, the FZI, which is published in the GI-Forum journal (English conference running in parallel to the…
Introducing the Critical Numbers Tool for the HOT Tasking Manager
We would like to introduce our new little analysis tool Critical Numbers for projects of the HOT Tasking Manager. (You can find this blogpost and the code for the tool at our GitHub repository.) The Critical Numbers webapp is an easy way to visualize how much of a project is mapped and validated – results…
Meet us at AGIT30
Meet us in Salzburg at the AGIT30 conference and get to know the ohsome platform, that has been introduced recently! Our colleague Fabian Kowatsch will give a talk on Thursday, July 5th: M. Auer, M. Eckle, S. Fendrich, F. Kowatsch, L. Loos, S. Marx, M. Raifert, M. Schott, R. Troilo, A. Zipf. Ohsome – eine…
Wikimedia and MSF talks @Disaster 2.0 seminar- Latest theory and practice in disaster management
How are Wikipedia/Wikimedia volunteers supporting disaster management? What role does their engagement all around open source and open data play? What are the latest developments and innovations in humanitarian contexts and how are they defined and addressed? These questions were discussed in the first block of the Disaster 2.0 seminar last week. Daniel Mietchen, Biophysicist…
HeiGIT/ disastermappers visit at MSF Czech Republic
HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg have been in contact and collaborating with MSF CZ over the last years already and have been supporting their work through joined Mapathons as well as MapSwipe Mapathon support. Last week members of HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg visited Prague to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss potential ways to take this…
Ohsome for Street Network Analysis and Disaster Activation Monitoring
Disaster mapping activations that are supported by many volunteers with various levels of experience raise questions related to the quality of the provided Volunteered Geographic Information. Learning about the data quality that can be expected in a disaster activation helps to evaluate the quality and fitness for purpose of the OSM data. At the ISCRAM…
Ohsome Nepal Dashboard supports admin boundary selection
The Ohsome Nepal Dashboard has new features to enhance its usability and functionality. The user can now easily select administrative areas of interest through a new map interface. Different administrative levels can be selected by zooming in and out and afterwards just clicking or tapping on that specific region. This convenience feature makes it much faster…
Ohsome – a high level architectural overview of the OSM History Analytics platform
Recently we introduced the ohsome platform for OSM History Analytics. Now we want to give you a high-level overview of the ohsome platform and the components it consists of. Ohsome API The ohsome platform is based on a three-layers API architecture, where the flexibility, as well as the usage-complexity are increasing going from the top to…
The Ohsome API: dynamic OSM statistics for real-world applications
The Ohsome API, developed at HeiGIT, is part of the ohsome OSM history analytics platform (and yes, it is pronounced like the word “awesome” 😉. It serves as the connection between the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) and possible frontends, such as the Ohsome Nepal Dashboard prototype. The communication with the Ohsome API works via HTTP GET and POST requests as…