Tag: heigit
HeiGIT and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team at the Geospatial World Forum 2019 in Amsterdam
Beginning of April, Amsterdam will become the gathering place for the global geospatial community. The Geospatial World Forum is organized for the 11th time and builds on previous successes that made it a leading event in sense of innovation, thematic focus and community engagement. The forum will enable geospatial professionals and leaders from public and…
How to become ohsome part 3: Identifying different mapping schemes
This is your first blog of the ohsome series? Before you might be confronted with any potential spoilers, you should better check out the first and the second part of this blog series (or the intro to the idea and general architecture) to be on the safe side and up to date with the current content. So…
HeiGIT and German Red Cross representation at DLR Humanitarian Technology Days 2019
Last week, Michael Schultz (GIScience Research Group) attended the Humanitarian Technology Days 2019 that was organized by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) as a representative of the GIScience Research Group/ HeiGIT and of our collaboration with German Red Cross. For two days, around 80 scientists, humanitarian actors and funding…
The future of OpenMapSurfers tiles
OpenMapSurfer is the name of a web tile service based on OpenStreetMap data developed by Maxim Rylov and hosted by the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology. The map style is a general purpose “basemap” layer featuring some unique properties, such as high cartographic quality label placement, see floor bathymetry, and a pleasant warm color scheme.…
Micro-Mapping für KI: Exponat auf der MS Wissenschaft
Auch dieses Jahr geht das Ausstellungsschiff MS Wissenschaft auf Tour. Im Fokus steht das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Mit an Bord das Exponat „Micro-Mapping“, das wir am HeiGIT in Kooperation mit dem Alfred-Wegener-Institut erstellen. Unser Exponat stellt die Bedeutung des Menschen, besser gesagt: einer Menschenmenge („Crowd“), bei der Entwicklung von KI in den Vordergrund. Es…
How to become ohsome part 2: Comparing different regions based on their attributive completeness of OSM data
Welcome back to the second part of the blog series how to become ohsome. If you have not read the first part yet, better go and check it out now. It explains how you can create an ohsome visualization of the historical development of the OSM data from a city of your choice. This second part shows how to…
Road access restriction information in openrouteservice
The new year started in the openrouteservice team at HeiGIT with the release of openrouteservice 4.7.2. In this release there were a number of bug fixes, but also some new features. The main one of these is the inclusion of information about access restrictions when your route takes you over roads that are marked in…
openrouteservice-js – your JS library for spatial node applications!
And here comes another little Christmas present by HeiGIT: In addition to our previously released and highly appreciated python and R libraries we now offer an additional JavaScript API making the usage of the openrouteservice ecosystem covering the entire globe based on OpenStreetMap in your web applications terribly simple. From now on you will be…
Accessibility analysis of public transport in Stuttgart
The Statistical Office of the City of Stuttgart determined the walking time to the nearest public transport stop for every place in the city using our QGIS plugin OSM Tools. With OSM Tools it only takes a few mouse clicks to access most of the functions of the openrouteservice. The toolset includes routing, isochrones and…
openelevationservice: enrich geometries with elevation
We published a new endpoint within the openrouteservice API ecosystem: openelevationservice. It queries a remote DEM for every vertex of a LineString or Point geometry. The underlying DEM is limited to SRTM v4.1 by CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information as of now, though we’re working towards integrating more high-resolution datasets. openelevationservice returns the altitude of…
Dokumentation zur diesjährigen Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge ist online
Die Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge wird jedes Jahr vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz organisiert, mit dem Ziel eine Dialogplattform für verschiedene Akteuren der nationalen und internationalen Katastrophenvorsorge zu schaffen. In Kooperation mit dem Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) und dem Zentrum für satellitengestützte Kriseninformation (ZKI), haben wir vom HeiGIT den Workshop „Geodaten in der Katastrophenvorsorge“ durchgeführt. Anhand…
Spatial conceptual compliance analysis with the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB)
In a previous blog post we performed a conceptual compliance analysis between OSM data and several tagging-guidelines using the OSHDB API. The results were visualized in a line chart, comparing the different compliance ratio over several months. The following analysis focuses on a spatial representation of the conceptual compliance. It is conducted for the “iD-editor”…