Tag: healthcare

  • Advancing Vector Control Through GeoAI: Insights from Steffen Knoblauch’s talk at The Program of Scientific Computing (PROCC) at FIOCRUZ

    Advancing Vector Control Through GeoAI: Insights from Steffen Knoblauch’s talk at The Program of Scientific Computing (PROCC) at FIOCRUZ

    On May 15th, the Program of Scientific Computing (PROCC) at Fiocruz hosted Steffen Knoblauch, a GIScience Ph.D. candidate, for his presentation titled “GeoAI 4 Dengue: Harnessing Geospatial Big Data to Guide Vector Control.” This event, organized in partnership with The Global Health Network Latin America and the Caribbean (TGHN LAC), provided a platform for academic…

  • Research Visit at Universidade Federal Fluminese (UFF) in Rio de Janeiro

    In context of his research on mosquito monitoring and inner-urban dengue occurence, PhD student and GIScience team member Steffen Knoblauch visited the “Universidade Federal Fluminese” (UFF) in Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was invited to meet collaborators and professors of UFF and to present his work in “Dengue Risk Modelling at an Urban…

  • Assessing road criticality and loss of healthcare accessibility during floods: the case of Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019

    Featured Image: Road network analysis for the driving profiles. A Normal conditions before the flood event. B Evolution of scores after the floods induced by Cyclone Idai. The lower row shows a close-up of the area surrounding the city of Dondo The ability of disaster response, preparedness, and mitigation efforts to assess the loss of physical access to health…

  • HeiGIT at MSF Geo Week 2022

    This June, MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) GIS Week 2022 was held in person again in beautiful Prague. Nearly the entire MSF team dealing with geo-data and geospatial analysis congregated at the event, which presented a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the current use of GIS within MSF and to discuss its future strategic importance.…

  • Räumliche Daten für die Gesellschaft – HeiGIT in die Zukunft geführt

    Unterführungen, Treppen und hohe Bordsteinkanten sind für Menschen mit Gehbeeinträchtigungen eine große Herausforderung. Ein maßgeschneiderter Routenplaner kann aber ihre Mobilität erhöhen, indem er Wege mit möglichst wenigen Hindernissen berechnet. Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie Geoinformationstechnologie und Geoinformatik speziellen Gruppen in der Gesellschaft ganz konkret helfen. HeiGIT, das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology, entwickelt nicht nur passgenaue…

  • United Nations World Data Forum Blog on Healthcare Accessibility Map

    In the context of the United Nations World Data Forum 2021 organised by the United Nations Statistics Division and UN member states a series of blogposts has been published by UNSTATS. Among them is one by Alexander Zipf about improving access to healthcare facilities through geoinformation and crowdsourcing. He introduces the Open Healthcare Access Map…

  • New training program “Research Training on Harnessing Data Science for Global Health Priorities in Africa”

    A new training program, “Research Training on Harnessing Data Science for Global Health Priorities in Africa” has been granted by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) and will build upon existing data science research capacity at the partnering institutions to enhance innovative new data science research capacity related to health priorities in Africa. Harvard…

  • GIScience and HeiGIT contributions to AGILE 2021 conference

    The AGILE 2021 conference is taking place this week. It is the the 24rd AGILE conference on GIScience. AGILE is the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe and the 2021 conference is for the first time held as a virtual conference. As in earlier years GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT are contributing to the conference with several…

  • All countries of Central and South America now on Open Healthcare Access Map

    After Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia we have now published all countries of Central and South America on the Open Healthcare Access Map. The web application is available here: https://apps.heigit.org/healthcare_access/. Please note that this is still a prototype and feedback on improvements and desired functionalities is very welcome. You can reach us at…

  • All countries of South and Southeast Asia now on Open Healthcare Access Map

    It’s been a little longer than a month since we published the Open Healthcare Access Map. Last week we rolled out all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Today all countries of South and Southeast Asia follow. The web application is available here: https://apps.heigit.org/healthcare_access/. To get a clearer understanding of healthcare infrastructure data in OpenStreetMap, please consult…

  • All countries of Sub-Saharan Africa now in Open Healthcare Access Map

    Last month we started the Open Healthcare Access Map.  Initially, only a few countries were featured. Gradually, more countries and regions are now being added. Today we release all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. The web application is available here: https://apps.heigit.org/healthcare_access/. Please note that this is still a prototype and feedback on improvements and desired functionalities…

  • German Mass Vaccination Sites in Open Healthcare Access Map

    Last week we introduced Open Healthcare Access Map. Our new web application for interactively sharing results of accessibility estimates based on OpenStreetMap healthcare facilities and openrouteservice isochrones. A new update now shows motorized accessibility estimates of mass vaccination sites in Germany. Accessible via this directlink: https://apps.heigit.org/healthcare_access/#/countries/deu/covid19_vaccination/adm0 These results are based on an analysis by Sven…