Tag: Geomedicine

  • Programm verfügbar: Einladung zum “Fachaustausch Geoinformation” am 27.11.2013 in Heidelberg

    bereits zum 5. Mal veranstaltet das Geoinformationsnetzwerk der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GeoNet.MRN den Fachaustausch Geoinformation in Heidelberg (27.11.2013). Die Veranstaltung unter der Schirmherrschaft des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft und Finanzen Baden-Württemberg dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Interessenten, Experten, Nutzern und Entscheidungsträgern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Politik und Verwaltung über Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und aktuelle Themen in der Geoinformationswirtschaft. Offizieller Partner der…

  • New Position in Health-GIS on Psychioepidemiology

    We offer a new position in the area of Health GIS. More Info here. Deadline: 08.Sept. 2013. Also check our other job offers. In this context we also offer topics for Master or Bachelor thesis.

  • Do cities make us ill? – new project on PsychoGeoinformatics

    To what extend do urban environments put stress on mental health? And how can geographic information and analysis support in discovering the underlying relationships ? These are the core research questions of the new collaboration project “PsychoGeoinformatics”. The project has been accepted as a twinning project of the Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg…

  • Kick-Off Meeting in Project on Psychoepidemiology (HealthGIS, Psychogeography)

    On June 11 the Kick-Off Meeting for a new joint project on Psychoepidemiology took place at the Central Institute for Mental Health (ZI) in Mannheim. The goal of the joint project with researchers from the ZI, KIT, Dresden and the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg is to investigate relationships between social and environmental factors on the…