Tag: disaster
GeOnG Conference 2018: Workshop Materials and Slides
After the successful GeOnG conference 2018 in chambery we want to thank the organizers and all participants. We contributed in several ways, as already highlighed in our previous blogpost. Now, we also want to share our slides and workshop material with everyone interested. Round table discussion: Machine Learning, AI & satellite imagery: what impact on…
CALL FOR PAPERS: GIS track of ISCRAM 2019, 16th. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Valencia Spain
Call for papers ISCRAM is a forum where researchers and practitioners from all around the world meet every year to share experiences and raise challenges in all the aspects related to the design, development, and use of information systems to improve the management of crisis and disaster situations. The 16th International Conference on Information Systems…
Missing Maps Gathering, FOSS4G and HOT Summit 2018 in Dar es Salaam
As previously announced, Sabrina Marx and Melanie Eckle recently visited Dar es Salaam to attend the Missing Maps Members Gathering and to join the FOSS4G and HOT Summit community for their joint annual gatherings. The Missing Maps Members Gathering was the first side event of the conference week. Likewise to previous years, the Missing Maps…
Keynote on VGI and AI for Disaster Management by Prof. Zipf at 10 Years HAUS New York
Heidelberg Alumni USA (HAUS) is the alumni initiative for all former students, lecturers, professors or staff of Heidelberg University who live or work in the US. HAUS was born in New York City, and that’s where we will celebrate the tenth anniversary the weekend of September 14-16, 2018. We hope you will be there for…
BuFaTa Mapathon HD – Spreading the Word about OpenStreetMap and Missing Maps
Last weekend Heidelberg was the host city of this semesters geography “BuFaTa” (Bundesfachschaftentagung). During this four day event student associations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and their members came together to discuss, learn and spend time together. The event was organized by an excellent student team from Heidelberg. The disastermappers Heidelberg contributed to the BuFaTa by organising…
Towards Using the Potential of OpenStreetMap History for Disaster Activation Monitoring
Over the last years, the growing OpenStreetMap (OSM) database repeatedly proved its potential for various use cases, including disaster management. Disaster mapping activations show increasing contributions, but oftentimes raise questions related to the quality of the provided Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). In order to better monitor and understand OSM mapping and data quality, HeiGIT developed…
Workshop with Wikimedia on Disaster Management: Connecting Humanitarian Actors, Research and Digital Volunteer Communities
Over the last couple of years a new group of actors has become increasingly important to support disaster management – digital volunteers. They support disaster responses and humanitarian activities from all over the world. Crowdsourced Wikipedia articles are oftentimes the first source of information people read to learn more about a disaster. Likewise, the OpenStreetMap…
FOSSGIS.de Talk on Near Real Time OSM Data Extraction Service for Openrouteservice
Are you at the FOSSGIS.de conference in Bonn this week? Don’t miss the lightning talk by Stefan Eberlein on OpenStreetMap Extracts as a Service in near “Real-Time”. Date: 22.03., 9:4 am. Room: Alfred-Philippson-Hörsaal Lightning Talk: OpenStreetMap-Extrakte als Service in nahezu “Real-Time” Track: Freie Daten The Real-time OSM data extraction service provides individual OSM extracts in…
Openrouteservice for Disaster Management: Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Hourly Updates
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) provides immediate support for disaster or humanitarian responses by coordinating and activating a global network of mappers that contribute up-to-date geodata to the OSM database. For example, after the Nepal earthquake 2015 volunteers added up to 800 km to the OSM street network per hour! This information could successfully support…
Abteilung Geoinformatik: Studentische Hilfskräfte GIS gesucht (auch Praktika)
Die Abteilung Geoinformatik sucht Studentische Hilfskräfte zur Unterstützung in mehreren hoch aktuellen Forschungsbereichen in einem interdisziplinären dynamischen Team, u.a. z.B. für: Big Spatial Data Analytics z.B. OpenStreetMap History Analysen, Social Media Analytics etc. z.B. http://ohsome.org Landnutzungsklassifikation auf Basis von OpenStreetMap, Satellitenbildern, etc. z.B. http://OSMlanduse.org Disaster-Management für humanitäre Hilfe (Geoinformatik für Katastrophenmanagement) z.B. MapSwipe Analytics etc. Intelligente…
Open Position: Software Developer Geoinformation Technology , Heidelberg
Open Position: Software Developer (Web) Geoinformation Technology (OSM) Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and GIScience Research Group In the context of research projects at HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group we offer the position of a Software Developer Geoinformation Technology in Heidelberg (full-time or part-time). Depending on your experience the tasks are related to…