Category: Uncategorized

  • Exploring the geographical context for quality assessment of VGI in flood management domain

    Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has been used to complement or substitute authoritative data in flood management domain. The main issue regarding the use of volunteered information is to estimate its quality, mainly because it may suffer from heterogeneous quality. Therefore, several methods have been developed in the past few years in order to assess VGI…

  • OSMlanduse validation workshop Heidelberg #shrubs # pastures # agriculture # artificial non – vegetated # industry Toulouse # urban # industry # artificial non – vegetated # arable land # agriculture # pasture # forest # shrubs Vienna # urban # industry # artificial non – vegetated…

  • Interview on Crowdsourcing for Optimized Cycle Routes

    On the occasion of the international Bike2Work Day the radio Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) conducted a short interview with Prof. Alexander Zipf (GIScience HD/ HeiGIT). It was about current research and development work at the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT, which involve the use of user-generated geodata for investigations between cycling behaviour and health, as well as…

  • DeepVGI at HPI Future SOC Lab Day

    Our research member Jiaoyan Chen attended the HPI Future SOC Lab Day – Spring 2017 in Potsdam, in April 25, 2017. The HPI Future SOC (Service-Oriented Computing) Lab Day is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and the industrial partners Dell EMC, Fujitsu, SAP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and…

  • GIScience/Disastermappers in Radio Program “Early Bird”

    Last week, Melanie Eckle of our disaster mapping/ disaster management department (HeiGIT) was invited to do an interview in the radio program “Early bird” of Deutschland Radio Wissen. She provided an overview of the use of OpenStreetMap for disaster management and humanitarian aid and the work of the GIScience Research Group, disastermappers heidelberg, Missing Maps…

  • Talk at AAG Meeting in Boston

    On Friday, our member René Westerholt held a talk at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) in Boston. The talk which is entitled “Topological and scale-related issues in Twitter analyses through superimposed forms of spatial heterogeneity” was part of a special session on geographic data science organised by Alex Singleton from…

  • Who finds the GIScience offices?

  • Call for Papers: Workshop on Urban Spatial Analytics

    Together with Prof. João Porto de Albuquerque (University of Warwick), we will chair an interactive session at this year’s Annual International Conference at the Royal Geographical Society in London. The session deals with urban spatial analytics and crowdsourced geographic information for smarter cities, with an emphasis on spatial methodology and applications of these to explicitly…

  • GIScienceSnowMan

    INF348, Heidelberg

  • Why is it routing this way?

    When using routing services that rely on OpenStreetMap data, the route engine might suggest you a path that seems to be longer than the shortest possible route you could identify on the map. The main reason behind this are either a lack of data completeness in OSM (for certain data attributes/ for certain regions) or…

  • Solemn Christmas @ MΛTHEMΛTIKON – Home of HeiGIT

    This part of the great MΛTHEMΛTIKON complex is the home of HeiGIT, the “Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology“, core funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), which is currently being established. We are located on the 4th floor together with our friends from Heidelberg Mobil (HDMI), European Media Laboratory (EML) and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical…

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year by GIScience Heidelberg

    Dear readers of our blog, we wish you and your beloved ones a jolly good christmas, and hope that your start into 2017 will be an amazing one! We’d like to take the opportunity to say “Thank you!” for your keen interest in reading our blog posts throughout this year. Stay tuned – more great…