Category: Uncategorized

  • “Digital Geographies” – the topic of this semesters HGG programme

    Digitalisierung ist ein aktuelles Megathema, das alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche umfasst. Einerseits beeinflusst und verändert Digitalisierung wie wir leben und andererseits verändern sich durch Digitalisierung auch die Möglichkeiten der Forschung, sowohl in der Datenerhebung als auch in Analyse. Wie verändern sich Sozialräume durch Digitalisierung? Wie kann Digitalisierung in der Fernerkundung zu einem besseren Verständnis von Klima-…

  • Uncovering the dynamics of the inland dunes in Sandhausen using UAV-borne 3D data acquisition

    For the first time, the inland dunes in Sandhausen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) have been captured by UAV-borne photogrammetry and laser scanning. The dunes are a precious habitat for many specialized plants and animals. They formed during the last ice age by sand drift from the Rhine valley. The large inland dunes, originally stretching from Karlsruhe to…

  • SWR broadcast on the research project HEAL: Taking the safe route through the heat – Transdisciplinary project HEAL makes everyday life easier for at-risk groups

    (deutsch unterhalb) Aerial view of Heidelberg’s old town with the university square. The lack of shade causes heat stress conditions and thus makes the square almost unusable at increased temperatures. This was a site of the study on climate change adaptation of public spaces (Foshag et al. 2020) (Photo: Kathrin Foshag). Climate adaptation strategies to support…

  • A safe way through the heat: Transdisciplinary project HEAL makes everyday life easier for at-risk groups

    (in Deutsch unterhalb) Aerial view of Heidelberg’s old town with the university square. This was a site of the study on climate change adaptation of public spaces (Foshag et al. 2020). (Photo: Kathrin Foshag). As part of a transdisciplinary collaboration, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), the GIScience research group and the TdLab Geography at…

  • Ein Jahr WebApp „meinGrün“ – finale Befragung und Ergebnispräsentation

    Im Juni 2020 haben wir mit unseren Partnern aus dem meinGrün Projekt die gleichnamige WebApp gestartet. Nun sind die Nutzenden in Dresden und Heidelberg aufgerufen, sich ein letztes Mal an einer Befragung zu beteiligen und so Hinweise für die mögliche künftige Weiterentwicklung zu geben. Am 28. Juni werden wir zudem mit unseren Projektpartnern die Ergebnisse…

  • HeiGIT und das Deutsche Rote Kreuz beim Digitaltag 2021

    Am 18.06.2021 findet der Bundesweite Digitaltag 2021 der Initiative „Digital für alle“ statt. Der Digitaltag ist eine Plattform, auf der digitale Projekte und Aktionen aus der Zivilgesellschaft vorgestellt werden und das Thema Digitalisierung von verschiedenen Seiten beleuchtet wird. Mit dem Digitaltag verfolgt die Initiative „Digital für alle“ das Ziel, die Digitale Teilhabe aller Menschen in Deutschland…

  • The ohsome quality analyst goes public on Github with new release 0.3.0

    The ohsome quality analyst (short: OQT) has been introduced at the beginning of this year and today we are proud to announce two updates. First, we  released the new version 0.3.0 which includes new OSM layers and a brand new data quality report. Working on this release has been the first collaboration with MapAction under…

  • All countries of South and Southeast Asia now on Open Healthcare Access Map

    It’s been a little longer than a month since we published the Open Healthcare Access Map. Last week we rolled out all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Today all countries of South and Southeast Asia follow. The web application is available here: To get a clearer understanding of healthcare infrastructure data in OpenStreetMap, please consult…

  • All countries of Sub-Saharan Africa now in Open Healthcare Access Map

    Last month we started the Open Healthcare Access Map.  Initially, only a few countries were featured. Gradually, more countries and regions are now being added. Today we release all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. The web application is available here: Please note that this is still a prototype and feedback on improvements and desired functionalities…

  • Press release: Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Dynamics

    The research of the 3DGeo group is featured in a press release about Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Dynamics. The text illustrates how Heidelberg geoinformation scientists develop new computer-based method to analyse topographic changes. The described method is published in this article: Anders, K., Winiwarter, L., Mara, H., Lindenbergh, R., Vos, S.…

  • Wanna give feedback about HeiGIT services? Survey Deadline extended to 05.03.

    HeiGIT wants to serve you better. Therefore we are conducting user feedback surveys regarding our various services. The Deadline has been extended to March 05rd! Take your chance! If you have ever used one of our OpenStreetMap based Online Services (or will do so now) for whatever purpose, we’d be very happy if you took…

  • The evolution of humanitarian mapping within the OpenStreetMap community

    In the past 10 years, the collaborative maps of OpenStreetMap (OSM) have been used to support humanitarian efforts around the world as well as to fill important data gaps for implementing major development frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In a recently accepted paper we provide a comprehensive assessment of the evolution of…