Category: Uncategorized

  • Major Update for OpenRouteService Frontend

    Last few months, we have been working hard on a new Web frontend for The new service provides all features from the old OpenRouteService (Check the advanced version from the Options page) but is much faster and also covers all of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia! Also further new route profiles will come within…

  • Special Issue “Big Data for Urban Informatics and Earth Observation”

    Dear Colleagues, The recent availability of big data linked to geographical locations has provided the GIScientists and Remote Sensing scholars a new era of research in for Urban Informatics and Earth Observation. Big data era is far beyond storage and access and by making sense of it, hidden interconnected patterns of data and information can…

  • Last GIScience Colloquium Talk in WS 2014/15: Stephan Arnold on Land Monitoring in Europe

    The final talk of this semesters’ colloquium series of GIScience Heidelberg will take place next Thursday, the 05th of February, at 04:15 pm. It will be held by Stephan Arnold from the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden and is entitled “EAGLE – Eionet Action Group on Land monitoring in Europe“. The venue is the lecture…

  • In the News: “Urban Emotions” Project

    The DFG research project Urban Emotions was mentioned in an interview of the regional newspaper Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (in German only). The project aims at the development of a methodology to extract contextual emotional information for spatial planning based on real-time people-as-sensors and crowdsourcing approaches within social media. It is a collaborative project between ZGIS Salzburg University,…

  • The “Visual Crowds for Geo- and Environmental Sciences” workshop

    As it had been already announced, the workshop titled “Visual Crowds for Geo- and Environmental Sciences” was held on Dec 9, 2014. The workshop aimed at bringing scholars from crowdsourcing and GIScience communities in order to figure out the potentials of crowds in environmental monitoring efforts and GIScience studies. In total, 48 participants from different universities…

  • We wish you a merry Christmas

    The GIScience Heidelberg team wishes a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all readers of our blog! Thank you for your great interest in our work and stay tuned in 2015.

  • Vienna – London – Heidelberg! #mapforaccess

    Yesterday evening we were happy to see a successful Wheelmap and OpenStreetMap Mapping party on the occasion of the UN International Day of persons with disabilities (Dec 3rd), organized for the EU-project CAP4ACCESS. The event started with a talk given by Stefan Hahmann providing an introduction to the Cap4access project, followed by a presentation of specific mapping…

  • OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, and Applications

    We are pleased to announce that a book edited by Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Prof. Alexander Zipf, Dr. Peter Mooney, and Dr. Marco Helbich,  entitled “OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, and Applications” is already in-press. The edited book will be published by Springer in its “Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography” series, edited by Cartwright, W., Gartner,…

  • Upcoming Talks in our Colloquium: Prof. Jan-Henrik Haunert and Prof. Gilberto Camara

    The next talks of the semester are approaching quickly. We cordially invite you to the following two colloquium talks: 25.11.14, “Algorithms for focus-and-context maps”, Prof. Dr..-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert 27.11.14, “Big Earth Observation Databases: infrastructure and spatiotemporal analysis”, Prof. Dr. Gilberto Camara. Both will be held in the course of this week. You can find more…

  • Call for participation at workshop entitled “Visual Crowds for Geo- and Environmental Sciences”

    Dear colleagues, ​The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) and GIScience Research Group are organizing a workshop for joining the crowdsourcing research communities of GIScience and computer vision. The workshop will take place on Tuesday Dec 9, 2014 and it is going to be a very inspiring event for both parties. It is also very…

  • Upcoming Talk by Sabrina Marx on Participatory Sensing

    The third GIScience talk of the semester is approaching quickly. We cordially invite you to the colloquium talk, 06.11.14, “Smartphones vs. LiDAR for agricultural monitoring: A Participatory Sensing approach to derive 3D Crop Height Models”, which will be held by Sabrina Marx, GIScience Research Group, Heidelberg University. Feel free to find more detailed information under…

  • An assessment of a collaborative mapping approach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises

    A new research paper entitled “An assessment of a collaborative mapping approach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises” has been published in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Abstract: Until recently, land surveys and digital interpretation of remotely sensed imagery have been used to generate land use inventories. These techniques however,…