Category: Teaching
HeidelErg – live from the Erg Chebbi in Morocco (#1): Exploring physical geography and 3D GIScience in an aeolian sand dune field.
As part of the practical field training and the small research group “Erg Chebbi”, 16 students will explore physical geography and 3D GIScience in an impressive aeolian sand dune environment in Morocco from 5 October to 15 October. The Erg Chebbi is one of the smallest Ergs in the Sahara and is situated within the…
3DGeo@Santiago de Compostela: Public CiTiUS lecture on Youtube available
If you missed the live stream, you can simply watch the lecture “Big Point Clouds == Deep Information? Current Progress in Geospatial 3D/4D Point Cloud Analysis” on the CiTiUS Youtube Channel, University of Santiago de Compostela, here:
Mamapa goes Ludwigshafen – join us today
Heute Abend stellen Robert Danziger (Mamapa) und Melanie Eckle (disastermappers heidelberg/ HeiGIT) in Ludwigshafen das Mamapa Projekt vor. Zudem erläutern sie die Potenziale von OpenStreetMap (OSM) und illustrieren, wie OSM eingesetzt und wie zu OSM beigetragen werden kann. Donnerstag, 20. September 2018, 18.00 Uhr Zentralbibliothek Schulungsraum Weitere Informationen hier und unter 0621 504-3533, der Eintritt ist frei. Wer…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#5): Exploring high-mountain 3D GIScience
On our last day in the Ötztal Alps, we had an exciting excursion from Obergurgl to Ramolhaus on 3006 m a.s.l. On our way up we could directly explore glacial history by passing the historical extents and related moraines of the retreating Gurgler glacier. The students also learned about geoarcheology and settlement history in the…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#4): Exploring high-mountain 3D GIScience
We are blogging live from Ramolhaus at 3006 m a.s.l. After a 4-hours hiking tour with 1100 height meters we are now enjoying the impressive view over glaciers with “Kaiserschmarren” for lunch.
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#3): Exploring high mountain 3D geoinformation
On the last day of fieldwork in the rotmoos valley two groups (terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetry) set off to the rotmoos glacier again. A second TLS dataset was aqcuired which enables the students to perform a change detection or deformation analysis. The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) group futher explored the pre-Quaternary relief in…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#2): Exploring high mountain 3D geoinformation
Today was the second day of field work in the Rotmoos valley in the Ötztal Alps for our 16 students. The hot sun challenged the data acquisition but the impressive landscape makes up for every effort. The terrestrial laser scanning group climbed up the valley flanks to acquire a high resolution point cloud from an…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#1): Exploring high mountain 3D geoinformation
As part of the practical field training “3D Geodatenerfassung im Hochgebirge (Ötztal)”, 29 July – 04 August, 16 students explore pyhsical geography in an impressive high-mountain environment in the Ötztal valley, Austria. With the help of terrestrial LiDAR, RTK GNSS, close range photogrammetry and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), multi-source datasets will be captured for the…
Wikimedia and MSF talks @Disaster 2.0 seminar- Latest theory and practice in disaster management
How are Wikipedia/Wikimedia volunteers supporting disaster management? What role does their engagement all around open source and open data play? What are the latest developments and innovations in humanitarian contexts and how are they defined and addressed? These questions were discussed in the first block of the Disaster 2.0 seminar last week. Daniel Mietchen, Biophysicist…
Overview GIScience Colloquium Heidelberg SoSe 2018
wie in jedem Semester findet auch im Sommersemester 2018 das Geoinformatik-Kolloquium am Geographischen Institut statt. Hierzu möchten wir Sie herzlich einladen! Internationale Gäste berichten aus ihren interessanten Forschungsprojekten. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Geoinformatik und in angrenzenden Forschungsfeldern zu informieren und mit Forschern aus aller Welt zu diskutieren! Das…
disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathons this semester
as mentioned earlier this Monday will see the first of our disastermappers heidelberg Mapathons this summer semester. But this will definitely not be your only chance to participate in some collaborative OSM mapping or learning how to work with OSM data this semester at Heidelberg University. So here is the current schedule. This should help…
Semester Start Mapathon with Kathmandu Living Labs
Dear Students, Mappers and Employees, we would like to invite you to the first mapathon, mapping party, mapswipeathon of this semester, which will be focusing on Nepal. (Just in time with the upcoming talk at the HGG on tuesday.) 😀 When? 07.05.2018, 6 pm Where? Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48 Our mapathon is organized in…