Category: Software

  • OSM completeness mapping for airborne situation assessment following an earthquake

    As part of the LOKI project (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen), a first test run of a newly launched OpenStreetMap (OSM) completeness mapping project in MapSwipe has been conducted yesterday. The aim of the LOKI project is to develop an interdisciplinary system that enables fast and reliable airborne situation assessments following an earthquake. The system will…

  • ohsome API v1.1 – changes and new functionalities

    Recently we’ve had the first minor release 1.1 of the ohsome API, which brings several new features and upgrades. In the following lines we want to present to you the most important ones. Prior to 1.1, when you were requesting data through one of our data extraction endpoints, you would always get the geometries clipped…

  • The future of working with OSM data

    The open, flexible and collaborative nature as well as the benefits and advantages of OpenStreetMap (OSM) lead to the creation of a whole new ecosystem evolving around the project. They range from local and global communities of data and software developers to a large amount of tools and services like disaster response, routing, art etc.…

  • Disy integriert openrouteservice in Cadenza

    Das Karlsruher Softwareunternehmen Disy Informationssysteme GmbH stellt die neue Version der Data-Analytics-, Reporting- und GIS-Plattform “Cadenza” vor. Die Erweiterung der Analytics-Funktionalitäten mit der Bereitstellung einer integrierten Routingfunktion und der POI-Suche sind zwei der wesentlichen Neuerungen. Realisiert wurde das Routing in Cadenza, in dem für die Streckenberechnungen eine Anbindung für den Openrouteservice (ORS), der von der…

  • Long Distance Bike and Foot Routing With Restrictions released in ORS Version 6.2.1

    After the latest update of openrouteservice to v6.2.1, we are pleased to announce that it is now possible to calculate long distance routes using all bike and pedestrian profiles whilst taking into account of restrictions such as avoiding ferries. Previously, this super fast routing was only available with the car and HGV profiles, but after…

  • Setting maximum speed is back in openrouteservice

    Recently openrouteservice has been updated to version 6.2 which has brought some pretty useful features to OSM-based routing. One of the main “new” features is the re-introducing of the maximum_speed parameter where users can set the maximum speed their vehicle can travel at. Though this feature was available in the past, due to implementing new…

  • A revamped ORS map client to celebrate the 16th OpenStreetMap anniversary

    #OpenStreetMap is turning 16! Happy Birthday from the HeiGIT team. After 16 years OSM is a reference of collaborative work and how we can give our best to create and maintain global, free and multipurpose projects that bring benefits to all. As part of this ecosystem we are continuously working to offer services and solutions…

  • We wish you an ohsome birthday OpenStreetMap! Our gift: the new ohsome2X time-series tool

    #OpenStreetMap is turning 16! Happy Birthday from the HeiGIT team. 16 years of OSM activity has created the most feature rich and global free multi purpose map that the world has ever seen. The ohsome team at HeiGIT has created several tools and technologies to have a closer look into that history of OSM edits…

  • How to become ohsome part 7 different ways to access the ohsome API

    A new month – a new post of the how to become #ohsome blog series. Welcome to part 7, in which we will show you 7 different ways how you can send a request to the ohsome API using different tools and programming languages. In case this is your first blog of how to become…

  • Karlsruhe relies on openrouteservice – ESRI client plugin developed

    Since some time the City of Karlsruhe uses the API of Openrouteservice (ORS) by HeiGIT for routing of pedestrians, bicycles and cars in the new online city plan and the citizen GIS app for the general public, i.e. the citizens and visitors of Karlsruhe. You can use it here: The specific client developed…

  • New function in the ohsome API for checking query parameters

    As you may already know from the latest blog posts, new advancements are brought with the release 1.0 of the #ohsome API. One minor function involves the correctness of parameters that you can use in your queries, which was developed by our intern Rosario in the last weeks. The new feature Let’s say you send…

  • Introducing ohsome2label tool to generate training samples from OpenStreetMap for geospatial deep learning

    After more than a decade of rapid development of volunteered geographic information (VGI), VGI has already become one of the most important research topics in the GIScience community. Almost in the meantime, we have witnessed the ever-fast growth of geospatial deep learning technologies to develop smart GIServices and to address remote sensing tasks, for instance,…