Category: Software
Accessibility analysis of public transport in Stuttgart
The Statistical Office of the City of Stuttgart determined the walking time to the nearest public transport stop for every place in the city using our QGIS plugin OSM Tools. With OSM Tools it only takes a few mouse clicks to access most of the functions of the openrouteservice. The toolset includes routing, isochrones and…
openelevationservice: enrich geometries with elevation
We published a new endpoint within the openrouteservice API ecosystem: openelevationservice. It queries a remote DEM for every vertex of a LineString or Point geometry. The underlying DEM is limited to SRTM v4.1 by CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information as of now, though we’re working towards integrating more high-resolution datasets. openelevationservice returns the altitude of…
Spatial conceptual compliance analysis with the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB)
In a previous blog post we performed a conceptual compliance analysis between OSM data and several tagging-guidelines using the OSHDB API. The results were visualized in a line chart, comparing the different compliance ratio over several months. The following analysis focuses on a spatial representation of the conceptual compliance. It is conducted for the “iD-editor”…
How to become ohsome part 1: Visualizing the historical evolution of OSM buildings of your city
This blog post is the start of a series of posts, which describe what you are able to do using the ohsome framework developed at the Heidelberg Institute of Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT). OpenStreetMap (OSM), the biggest open map of our world, offers not only the current state of the data, but the whole historical evolution…
Conceptual compliance analysis with the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB)
Conceptual compliance measures to what degree contributors of volunteered geographic information (VGI) are using proposed tagging-standards. Here, we look into OpenStreetMap (OSM) as the most well-known example for VGI. In OSM the most important tagging guideline is defined by its wiki. In addtion, OSM editors like iD or JOSM provide presets (default options to adhere to tagging standards).…
New OpenRouteService API playground
After the release of the new OpenRouteService dashboard the team has worked on a new interactive API documentation application named API Playground , that allows the users to explore all the OpenRouteService API services, parameters and responses in an intuitive and easy way. It is possible run requests, see the response in a map, table…
QGIS Plugin OSM Tools v3.2 published
We’re pleased to announce the next version of our QGIS plugin to access the most popular functions of openrouteservice. in QGIS. OSM Tools is the only QGIS plugin to access advanced features like dynamic routing, isochrones or origin-destination matrices with a few mouse clicks. You can choose to either use point layers from your QGIS project…
Simulate LiDAR Acquisitions with HELIOS
Did you ever consider planning and testing your LiDAR campaign in a computer simulation? Would you like a flexible means to generate 3D point cloud data for developing or testing methods? This is easily possible with the laser scanning simulation framework HELIOS (Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator). There have been major new developments since the first…
Over 50 Open Source GIScience Repositories on GitHub
The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) are happy to share the their GIScience github repository contains now already over 50 open source repositories and it’s still growing. These contain results from several research projects and in particular also some very active long term activities. Most of the tools…
Explore the ohsome OSM History of whole Germany
Our new ohsome dashboard is another preview on what is and will be possible with our ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform. Behind the scenes, we added support for the Apache Ignite big data framework and deployed an instance using the full OSM history data of whole Germany on Heidelberg University’s cloud computing infrastructure heiCLOUD. Apache Ignite is an open-source…
- at INTERGEO 2018
We are happy to announce that we are going to be part of INTERGEO 2018 in Frankfurt this year. This event being the “global hub of the geospatial community” has quite something to offer with hundreds and hundreds of innovative companies showcasing their products and visions. We are joining up with the Federal Agency for…
Documentation of the Ohsome API
In a previous blog post we introduced the REST-based interface of our framework Ohsome (the OpenStreetmap History Analytics plattform) and gave an example link of a request. This blog post aims to give you some further information about the documentation of the ohsome API. We use the Springfox Java library to create a Swagger documentation. The result…