Category: Services
MapSwipe is App of the Day in Apple AppStore
MapSwipe has ben announced as ‘App of the Day‘ in the Apple AppStore! (27.08.2021) Thank you to all our volunteers for the continued help and support which keeps the app going. Read the blogpost here: The team at the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University has shaped MapSwipe’s…
ohsome Region of the Month – August
Hello and welcome back to the ohsome Region of the Month-blog post series where you can read about potential use cases of the ohsome API and maybe even get inspired to send some requests of your own. If you are new to the series you should definitely take a look at former blog posts, for example our last…
Revamped openrouteservice client for disaster management
We are happy to announce a revamped openrouteservice maps client for disaster management. It was built based on the new openrouteservice maps client, that is an open source route planner with plenty of features. Specific disaster features were incorporated via the development of developing plugins. It was developed and is maintained by the Heidelberg Institute for…
Routenplanung im Überflutungsgebiet: openrouteservice nutzt Copernicus EMS Flut-Daten in spezieller Lösung
Die aktuelle Flut in Deutschland hat zahlreiche Straßen in den betroffenen Gebieten zerstört oder temporär unpassierbar gemacht. HeiGIT arbeitet an freien und offenen, auf Geodaten-basierten Lösungen für die humanitäre Hilfe. Hierzu zählen insbesondere Routenplanung unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Katastrophendaten wie z.B. Überflutungsgebiete und zerstörter Strassen. Für die aktuelle Flutkatastrophe in Deutschland und Nachbarstaaten hat HeiGIT nun…
ohsome region of the month: Which country has the longest coastline?
The ohsome region of the month blog post series is back and since it’s summer this time we’re taking you to the coast. Before that happens, if this is your first blog post of this format you might want to take a look at former blog posts of this series for example one on railway networks or…
Monitoring OSM and Tasking Manager to Map 1 Billion
In 2020, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) received funding from seven donors through TED’s Audacious Project. This has accelerated HOT’s ambition to map an area home to one billion people. HOT is working to add places at high risk of natural disaster or experiencing poverty to OpenStreetMap by significantly scaling-up support for local mapping communities.…
Openrouteservice for complex route optimization in new QGIS extension by Regionalverband Ruhr
(Deutsche Version unten) The Regionalverband Ruhr (Team 9-2 Geodata Technology) has used the potential of HeiGIT’s openrouteservice (ORS) in a new QGIS extension and thereby created another possible application for the ORS: The tool “Location and Route Optimization of Addresses” allows to search and locate addresses and to find the optimal routes between them. This…
Becoming ohsome in R – analysis of the completeness of the road network and health sites in Jakarta
Data quality is an important issue then performing analysis based on OpenStreetMap data. We have recently demonstrated how the effects of the 2013 flood in Jakarta on the accessibility of hospitals and clinics could be analyzed based on network analysis indicators and the isochrones functionality of the openrouteservice. As part of that analysis we analyzed…
The ohsome quality analyst goes public on Github with new release 0.3.0
The ohsome quality analyst (short: OQT) has been introduced at the beginning of this year and today we are proud to announce two updates. First, we released the new version 0.3.0 which includes new OSM layers and a brand new data quality report. Working on this release has been the first collaboration with MapAction under…
ohsomeHeX provides access to OSM feature history
Did you ever wonder how your city was mapped over time, how geometries were changed and refined, how mistakes were added and corrected again? Then read on: ohsomeHex has a great new feature for you – the individual object’s zoom-in-history-view. To continue in providing valuable insights into the quality and development process of OpenStreetMap data, we…
Ohsome Region of the Month Building-Information Analysis
Welcome back to our blog post series ”ohsome Region of the Month” where you can find information on potential applications of the ohsome API. If you’re new to this format you can also read some of the former blog posts from this series which you can find here (about street networks), here (about railway networks) or here (about forests). This month,…
Die Stadt Mannheim nutzt openrouteservice für die Routenplanung in ihrem Online-Stadtplan
Seit kurzem nutzt die Stadt Mannheim openrouteservice (ORS) von HeiGIT für das Routing von Fußgängern, Fahrräder, Autos, LKW und Rollstuhlfahrern im Online-Stadtplan für die breite Öffentlichkeit, d.h. die Bürger und Besucher von Mannheim. Sie können es hier verwenden:<=mod_ors Dies zeigt, wie openrouteservice leicht in verschiedenste Clients und Apps integriert werden kann. Openrouteservice verwendet die…