Category: Research
HeiGIT/GIScience partnership with Kathmandu Living Labs
Kathmandu Living Labs– a team of young entrepreneurs and out of the box thinkers that change the use and creation of data in Nepal. The team around Nama Budhathoki was launched in 2013 and emerged of a previous Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) program. In the scope of the OpenDRI project, the team has…
The impacts of environmental factors on cycling behavior
As it is widely accepted, cycling tends to produce health benefits and reduce air pollution. Policymakers encourage people to use bikes by improving cycling facilities as well as developing bicycle-sharing systems (BSS). It is interesting to investigate how environmental factors influence the cycling behavior of users of bicycle-sharing systems, as users of bicycle-sharing systems tend…
Climate Protection Map Germany is Online – Share your knowledge about renewable energies and sustainability on OpenStreetMap
The Klimaschutzkarte Deutschland (Climate Protection Map Germany, makes it easy to retrieve relevant information on the topics of energy and sustainability and to locate them in geographic space. The Climate Protection Map of Germany uses the possibilities of web technologies and is based on user-contributed data from OpenStreetMap to allow interested citizens to find out…
Mobile low-cost 3D camera maize crop height measurements under field conditions
Maps of the spatial distribution of crop heights can strongly support agriculture in terms of efficiency and yield optimization. Recently published results of experiments of the 3D Spatial Data Processing research group describe an approach to easily extend regular agricultural machines with low-cost sensors for capturing crop heights while the machine is in the field.…
GIScience welcomes New Master Students
Yesterday, GIScience Heidelberg was welcoming our new master students. After a general introduction into our teaching philosophy, our core courses and our institutes (HeiGIT, HCE, IWR), we were giving insights into the specialization in GIScience/Geoinformatics, which is possible in the Geography Master Programme. As our teaching is research-based and research-oriented we were presenting most recent…
Keynote at DLR.Open OpenGeoData Open Data Science Workshop
Today Prof. Alexander Zipf is giving an invited keynote speech at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. The DLR organises a two day workshop called “DLR.Open II – Open Data Science und Open Geodata“. This is the second workshop on Open…
LandSense is Project of the Week @ “Doing It Together Science”.
The EU H2020 project LandSense (A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring) has been featured as project of the week by “Doing It Together Science“. Thanks to our partners at IASA etc. for this! In addition to organizing mapathons and related research research activities, in the context of…
10 years of OSM data history with OSM API 0.5
As our HeiGIT / GIScience team member Martin Raifer (tyr_asd) pointed out at his OSM diary, this weekend is the 10 year anniversary of OSM’s API version 0.5. He stresses the importance of this as “This is the version of the OSM-API that introduced (among other things) the version number on all OSM objects, making…
The OpenStreetMap folksonomy and its evolution
The comprehension of folksonomies is of high importance when making sense of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), in particular in the case of OpenStreetMap (OSM). So far, only little research has been conducted to understand the role and the evolution of folksonomies in VGI and OSM, which is despite the fact that without a comprehension of…
3D geodata acquisition in the Siberian Arctic
In September 2017, the 3D Spatial Data Processing Group (3DGeo) joined the German-Russian expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) for Polar and Marine Research to the Arctic research station Samoylov (N 72°22’, E 126°29’) in the central Lena Delta. Under the lead of Julia Boike, the research team maintained and expanded long-term monitoring stations…