Category: Research

  • 7th International Conference on Cartography & GIS

    The 7th International Conference on Cartography & GIS took place at Sozopol (Bulgaria) 18-23 June 2018. It was organized by Bulgarian Cartographic Association, International Cartographic Association and University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), Sofia and co-organizers – Military Geographic Service, Bulgaria, and Bulgarian Red Cross. The main topics of the conference were: GIS…

  • Big Point Clouds == Deep Information? Current Progress in Geospatial 3D/4D Point Cloud Analysis

    The Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información – CiTIUS of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Prof. Rivera) is hosting a workshop on 27 September 2018, which is dedicated to the current research progress in LiDAR data analysis and shall bring together academic research and industry. Prof. Bernhard Höfle, head of the 3DGeo…

  • at INTERGEO 2018

    We are happy to announce that we are going to be part of INTERGEO 2018 in Frankfurt this year. This event being the “global hub of the geospatial community” has quite something to offer with hundreds and hundreds of innovative companies showcasing their products and visions. We are joining up with the Federal Agency for…

  • Missing Maps Gathering, FOSS4G and HOT Summit 2018 in Dar es Salaam

    As previously announced, Sabrina Marx and Melanie Eckle recently visited Dar es Salaam to attend the Missing Maps Members Gathering and to join the FOSS4G and HOT Summit community for their joint annual gatherings. The Missing Maps Members Gathering was the first side event of the conference week. Likewise to previous years, the Missing Maps…

  • Workshop at the ‘Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge’

    Only two days left to register for the Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge in Berlin, 22. – 23. October 2018. Join our workshop on Geoninformation & Disaster Prepardness, which we are running together with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). The Symposium is organized by the German Red…

  • Capturing Flood Risk Perception via Sketch Maps

    The flood risk perception of people living in areas at risk can be a valuable source of information for mitigation and preparedness within disaster management. We apply a method based on sketch maps and questionnaires to capture this flood risk perception during case studies in Santiago de Chile. Results of our study can be found…

  • Analyse HOT Tasking Manager Projects with the ohsome API

    Have a look at our new Jupyter notebook which provides a step-by-step introduction how to use the ohsome API. We show you how to analyse the OSM mapping efforts related to a HOT Tasking Manager project in Nepal. The analyzed project 1008 “Nepal Earthquake, 2015, IDP Camps in Kathmandu” was created by Kathmandu Living Labs…

  • Documentation of the Ohsome API

    In a previous blog post we introduced the REST-based interface of our framework Ohsome (the OpenStreetmap History Analytics plattform) and gave an example link of a request. This blog post aims to give you some further information about the documentation of the ohsome API. We use the Springfox Java library to create a Swagger documentation. The result…

  • Join the Sentinel-2 Fusion Validation Mapathon @ EuroGEOSS Workshop

    Join us on Thursday 13th September 2018 at the EuroGEOSS Workshop in Geneva for the validation mapathon of Sentinel-2 landuse fusion map. Have an exclusive first peek at the EU wide OSMlanduse Sentinel-2 landuse fusion map, a result of millions of OSM contributions and the Sentinel-2 archive remote sensing data. The event is a prequel…

  • Today & tomorrow GIScience Heidelberg Talks in Africa and Australia

    This Wednesday and Thursday we have presentations from the GIScience research group Heidelberg on two remote contintents – both in Africa and in Australia: On Wednesday: First down under at GIScience Melbourne in Australia Rene Westerholt will present the work related to our PLATIAL18 workshop: Westerholt, R., Gröbe, M., Zipf, A. and Burghardt, D. (2018): Towards the statistical…

  • Call for Abstracts – Dreiländertagung OVG – DGPF – SGPF 2019 in Wien

    Die 39. wissenschaftlich-technische Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation (DGPF) wird in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation (OVG) und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (SGPF) im Rahmen der Dreiländertagung (DLT 2019) vom 20. bis 22. Februar 2019 in Wien stattfinden. Wissenschaftler/innen, Entwickler/innen und Anwender/innen aus den…

  • GIScience Heidelberg @ GIScience Melbourne

    Two papers from GIScience Heidelberg have been contributed to and accepted for the 10th International GIScience Conference 2018 in Melbourne, Australia. They will be presented on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Looking forward to a fruitful discussion! Westerholt, R., Gröbe, M., Zipf, A. and Burghardt, D. (2018): Towards the statistical analysis and visualization of places. 10th…