Category: Publications

  • Impulse aus der Corona-Krise

    “International erfolgreiche Wissenschaft ist bislang untrennbar verknüpft mit weltweiter Reiseaktivität. Der vor allem durch Flugreisen verursachte Treibhausgasausstoß steht im Widerspruch zum Klimaschutz. Die Corona-Krise wirkte disruptiv auf etablierte Praktiken des Austauschs und zeigte plötzlich Wege auf, die zuvor kaum denkbar waren. Doch was passiert nach der Pandemie? Wie kann es gelingen, auf den Erfahrungen aufbauend,…

  • Today paper on green routing at GIScience conference 2021

    The “11th International Conference on GIScience” 2021 started!  Our full paper related to MeinGrün project and openrouteservice will be presented this Tuesday 13:30 CET in Session 3 “Mobility”: 13:30-13:45: Christina Ludwig, Sven Lautenbach, Eva-Marie Schömann and Alexander Zipf. Comparison of simulated fast and green routes for cyclists and pedestrians. Routes with a high share of…

  • A Web App to generate and disseminate knowledge on urban green space qualities and their accessibility

    Urban green spaces (UGSs) can provide important ecosystem services for citizens and their well-being. To make use of these services according to UGS user demands, urban residents, tourists, and city administrations should know where UGSs are located, what qualities they have and how to reach them on convenient routes. A new open access paper at…

  • New paper: Opaque voxel-based tree models for virtual laser scanning in forestry applications

    In the SYSSIFOSS project, we are investigating how we can take advantage of virtual laser scanning (VLS), the simulation of laser scanning in a computer environment, in forestry applications. These applications include survey planning and optimization, sensitivity analyses, and algorithm development. For example, VLS may be used to investigate the influence of different sensor and…

  • Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap

    OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a global mapping project which generates free geographical information through a community of volunteers. OSM is used in a variety of applications and for research purposes. However, it is also possible to import external data sets to OpenStreetMap. The opinions about these data imports are divergent among researchers and contributors, and the…

  • The role of data in transformations to sustainability: a critical research agenda

    A recently published article in ‘Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability‘ investigates the role of digital technologies and data innovations, such as big data and citizen-generated data, to enable transformations to sustainability. We reviewed recent literature in this area and identified that the most prevailing assumption of work is related to the capacity of data to…

  • Open laser scanning data of trees – SYSSIFOSS project

    Our forest laser scanning dataset collected in the frame of the SYSSIFOSS project is now openly available through the PANGAEA Data Publisher: Weiser, H., Schäfer, J., Winiwarter, L., et al. (2021): Terrestrial, UAV-borne and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central European forest plots, Germany, with extracted individual trees and manual forest inventory measurements. PANGAEA,…

  • Time Series-Based Coastal Surface Change Analysis @ISPRS2021

    Our work on “Time Series-Based Coastal Surface Change Analysis using Hourly Terrestrial Laser Scans” was featured with a live presentation at this year’s digital event of the ISPRS Congress. The presentation by Katharina Anders was further made available as pre-recorded video, which you can now watch on the 3DGeo YouTube channel: The presented work is…

  • New paper on OSM feature completeness modelling accepted for AGIT symposium

    The availability of data on public transport is a prerequisite for numerous spatial data applications such as routing, accessibility analyses or route planning. OpenStreetMap (OSM) – as a global platform for Volunteered Geographic Information – is one of the options for sharing public transport data. The data completeness on OSM, however, is characterized by heterogeneity. Results…

  • M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation

    In our efforts to improve change detection and quantification in time series of 3D point clouds, we have published yet another milestone. Our paper, titled M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation, presents a novel method to better separate noise from actual change in point clouds sensed with…

  • OSM data quality analysis for different stages of the mapping process

    Slums are an important operational area for humanitarian organisations: Because of provisional housing, poor sanitation and difficult socio-political circumstances offers of help from such organisations are important and often necessary. For such deployments, humanitarian actors rely heavily on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), as official maps and data are often incomplete. This makes it all the…

  • AGILE best short paper award nominees

    We are happy to announce that two of our papers have been shortlisted as candidates for the best short paper award at the AGILE 2021 conference : Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks Jan Pisl, Hao Li, Sven Lautenbach, Benjamin Herfort, and Alexander Zipf. AGILE GIScience Ser., 2, 39,, 2021 Assessing shop completeness…