Category: Publications
How to combine OpenStreetMap and Airborne Laser Scanning data for updating Digital Elevation Models?
The answer can be found in our most recent paper “Updating Digital Elevation Models via Change Detection and Fusion of Human and Remote Sensor Data in Urban Environments” that has just been finally released in the International Journal of Digital Earth. You can find a preprint version of the article freely accessible here: Citation…
Our edited book “OpenStreetMap in GISciene: Experiences, Research, and Applications” is now Online and orderable.
Dear colleagues, I am pleased to inform you that a book edited by Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Alexander Zipf, Peter Mooney, Marco Helbich entitled “OpenStreetMap in GISciene : Experiences, Research, and Applications” has been eventually published online and also in print format. The book contains 16 chapters on different aspects of OpenStreetMap in GIScience including 1) Data…
2nd. Call for Papers: RICH-VGI Workshop @ AGILE 2015, Lisboa
2nd Call for Papers: Enriching VGI @ AGILE 2015 Workshop We call for papers for the Workshop: RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge Workshop @ the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Lisboa, Portugal. Tuesday 9 June 2015 In recent years we have witnessed the rapid…
Special Issue “Earth Observation and Geoinformation Technologies for Sustainable Development”
Dear Colleagues, Earth observation devices and geoinformation technologies, including remote sensing data, platforms, algorithms, geographic information science (GISc), and spatial analysis techniques have played a major role in monitoring the dynamics of our environment and landscape. Additionally, emerging active and passive sensing approaches, such as crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), citizen science (CS), participatory sensing,…
Modeling the evolution of OpenStreetMap with Cellular Automata using a new VGI Contribution Index
Major research efforts have so far dealt with OSM data quality analysis, but the modality of the evolution of OpenStreetMap (OSM) across space and time has been barely noted. Therefore, a new study by Jokar Arsanjani et al. that has recently been accepted for publication in Transactions in GIS aims to analyze spatio-temporal patterns of…
Special Issue “GeoWeb 2.0” of ISPRS Journal of Geo-Information is Online
The special issue on “GeoWeb 2.0” of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information with guest editors Alexander Zipf and Bernd Resch (both GIScience Research Group, Heidelberg University) is online and can be found here (Open Access). The special issue aims at exploring new trends in how the production and usage of geographic information are being…
Twitter location (sometimes) matters
In contrast to photo-based VGI (e.g. Flickr) the correlation between the place where an information has been created and what the information is about is less intuitive for text-based VGI. In order to gain more insight into the relationship between text information generated in mobile contexts (e.g. via smartphones) and their recorded location, research has…
New paper published: ‘Effects of Reduced Terrestrial LiDAR Point Density on High-Resolution Grain Crop Surface Models in Precision Agriculture.’
We are happy to announce that a new paper with the title Effects of Reduced Terrestrial LiDAR Point Density on High-Resolution Grain Crop Surface Models in Precision Agriculture has been published in the special issue Agriculture and Forestry: Sensors, Technologies and Procedures in the journal Sensors: 3D geodata play an increasingly important role in precision…
Geographic information analysis and web-based geoportals to explore malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa
In our new paper we present a systematic literature review on geographic information analysis and web-based geoportals to explore malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. 563 articles are identified from the searches, from which a total of nine articles and eight geoportals meet inclusion criteria. The review suggests that the spatial dimension of malnutrition is analyzed most…
GIScience Heidelberg visit ACM Sigspatial conference
Last week members of the GIScience Research Group were attending the International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems in Dallas. Beside the interesting welcome note given by Luc Vincent talking about the Google Street View project and further follow-up keynote talks, the first conference day was opened up for full day workshops covering various…