Category: Press release
GIScience/HeiGIT researchers and geography students with Pledge4Future web app official winners of the “The Climate Challenge Hackathon”
Pledge4Future is a free web app for the calculation and visualisation of work-related per capita CO2e emissions in research. The aim is to provide individuals and work groups with a simple tool for the long-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions towards compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. The calculation includes heating, electricity, business travel and…
A safe way through the heat: Transdisciplinary project HEAL makes everyday life easier for at-risk groups
(in Deutsch unterhalb) Aerial view of Heidelberg’s old town with the university square. This was a site of the study on climate change adaptation of public spaces (Foshag et al. 2020). (Photo: Kathrin Foshag). As part of a transdisciplinary collaboration, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), the GIScience research group and the TdLab Geography at…
Ein Jahr WebApp „meinGrün“ – finale Befragung und Ergebnispräsentation
Im Juni 2020 haben wir mit unseren Partnern aus dem meinGrün Projekt die gleichnamige WebApp gestartet. Nun sind die Nutzenden in Dresden und Heidelberg aufgerufen, sich ein letztes Mal an einer Befragung zu beteiligen und so Hinweise für die mögliche künftige Weiterentwicklung zu geben. Am 28. Juni werden wir zudem mit unseren Projektpartnern die Ergebnisse…
New scholarship for PhD students from West and Central Africa doing a PhD in Geoinformatics at Heidelberg University
It is our great pleasure to inform about the new “Robert and Christine Danziger Scholarships“ for doing a PhD in Geoinformatics at Heidelberg University. Please make yourself familiar with the research topics at GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT (e.g. projects, papers) when suggesting potential projects for your PhD research to potential supervisors. Short facts: The Robert…
Die Stadt Mannheim nutzt openrouteservice für die Routenplanung in ihrem Online-Stadtplan
Seit kurzem nutzt die Stadt Mannheim openrouteservice (ORS) von HeiGIT für das Routing von Fußgängern, Fahrräder, Autos, LKW und Rollstuhlfahrern im Online-Stadtplan für die breite Öffentlichkeit, d.h. die Bürger und Besucher von Mannheim. Sie können es hier verwenden:<=mod_ors Dies zeigt, wie openrouteservice leicht in verschiedenste Clients und Apps integriert werden kann. Openrouteservice verwendet die…
ohsome-py: Python Package for OSM history analytics published
As a little Easter present, we published the first version of the ohsome-py Python package today. ohsome-py helps you extract and analyse OpenStreetMap history data using the ohsome API and Python. It handles queries to the ohsome API and converts its responses to Pandas or GeoPandas data frames to facilitate easy data handling and analysis.…
Press release: Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Dynamics
The research of the 3DGeo group is featured in a press release about Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Dynamics. The text illustrates how Heidelberg geoinformation scientists develop new computer-based method to analyse topographic changes. The described method is published in this article: Anders, K., Winiwarter, L., Mara, H., Lindenbergh, R., Vos, S.…
HeiGIT Services User Feedback Survey – only one more week!
HeiGIT wants to serve you even better. Therefore we are conducting user feedback surveys regarding our various services. If you have ever used one of our OpenStreetMap based Online Services (or will do so now) for whatever purpose, we’d be very happy if you took the time and filled out the respective survey. THANK YOU!…
Find the route to your nearest Covid-19 vaccination center in Germany — new App by HeiGIT based on OpenStreetMap and openrouteservice
Where is is the closed Covid-19 vaccination center and what is the best way to get there? A new route planning app helps you answer this questions by suggesting ways to the nearest vaccination center. You can use this route planner now at You only have to enter a starting location or allow the automatic…
Update on “Accessibility of COVID-19 vaccination centers in Germany”
Based on newly available locations for missing COVID-19 vaccination centers the accessibility analysis has been updated.
Accessibility to pharmacies in Germany with 15km Covid-19 restriction
Current lockdown regulations in Germany state that – in many but not all federal states – travel in COVID-19 hotspot regions is only allowed up to 15km distance. This has raised concerns since a 15km radius has been perceived by some as a serious constraint especially in rural regions. Clearly, this might prevent visits to…