Category: Events
LandSense Stakeholder workshop 25.-26.01.2017
During last weeks LandSense stakeholder at IIASA workshops various tools relevant for VGI data capture, Quality assessment and beyond were discussed. Potential hotshots for validation and improvement of OSMLanduse were FotoQuest and LacoWiki. Also discussed were platforms for hobby bird fans or for spatial data geeks.
GIScience / disastermappers heidelberg in “Jetzt” magazine of Süddeutsche Zeitung
Last week we had a special guest for our New Years Mapathon: Nadja Schlüter, a journalist of the popular youth magazine “Jetzt” of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Nadja had heard about the Missing Maps related activities at our institute during an interview with MSF UK and visited us to learn more about our work and disaster…
Joint GeoTech Workshop with Heidelberg Mobil and HeiGIT
Today colleagues from Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH (HDMI) and Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) met in Mathematikon to discuss current trends and activities in developing and advancing Geoinformation Technologies. Several presentations were given and fruitful discussions covered a broad range of topics that the two institutions are actively working on. Topics ranged from automated…
Invitation: Colloquium Talk by Prof. Shunichi Koshimura on Earth Observation in Tsunami Disaster Response and Management
We cordially invite all interested to our forthcoming talk in the GIScience colloquium next Monday, January 30, on the use of satellite imagery, which is becoming more and more accessible and available in near real-time, for risk analysis and disaster response. Prof. Shunichi Koshimura presents evidence of the value of earth observation, used in combination…
3rd PhD Colloquium of Geoinformatics (DGK and DGPF) – Deadline extended for contributions unitl 30 January 2017
Dear PhD students working on algorithms in Geoinformatics be aware that we have extended the deadline for submissions to the 3rd PhD Colloquium of the DGK Section on Geoinformatics and the DGPF Working Group on Geoinformatics, which takes place in Würzburg, March 7, 2017 (prior to the DGPF Annual Meeting). The main goal is to…
Reminder: OSM Mapathon for South Sudan with MSF/Ärzte ohne Grenzen on January 19th
you are most welcome to participate in our first 2017 OSM Mapathon at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University. The data is needed by MSF/Doctors without Borders/Ärzte ohne Grenzen for their work on medical services in Sudan. Here you can find further Information in detail. When: Thursday. 19.01.2017, 18:00 pm Where: Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48,…
Invitation: Colloquium Talk by Dr. Yingwei Yan on Using User-Generated Content for Agricultural Pest Management
We cordially invite all interested to our forthcoming talk in the GIScience colloquium next Monday, January 16, on agricultural pest management solutions based on pest observations from farmers. Dr. Yingwei Yan reports on how sensemaking algorithms which can be used to evaluate this kind of volunteered geographic information, and to make forecasts of pest infestations provided…
Mapathon for MSF and the people of Aweil
We want to welcome the year 2017 with a mapathon for MSF and the people of Aweil! When: 19.01.2017, 18:00 Where: Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48 This time we will focus on Aweil, the capital of South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. The region is home to tens of thousands of people, many of whom…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year by GIScience Heidelberg
Dear readers of our blog, we wish you and your beloved ones a jolly good christmas, and hope that your start into 2017 will be an amazing one! We’d like to take the opportunity to say “Thank you!” for your keen interest in reading our blog posts throughout this year. Stay tuned – more great…
cfp: VGI-Analytics 2017 Workshop @ AGILE Conference Wageningen
cfp: VGI-Analytics 2017 Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI): Integration, ANALYsis, applICationS Tuesday, 9th May 2017, Wageningen University, The Netherlands at AGILE 2017 VGI-Analytics 2017 is the 4th workshop in a series of AGILE pre-conference workshops Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media data have become part of our everyday lives over the past few years. Whereas…