Category: Events
Call for Abstracts “3D-Punktwolken in der Geographie” – Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017 (Deadline 31. März 2017)
Wir laden alle herzlich dazu ein, einen Vortragsbeitrag (Abstract) zu unserer Fachsitzung “3D-Punktwolken in der Geographie – Erfassung, Analyse und Visualisierung” (LT6-FS4) für den Deutschen Kongress für Geographie am 30.9. – 5.10.2017 in Tübingen einzureichen. Für fachliche Fragen stehen die Fachsitzungsleiter Bernhard Höfle (Heidelberg) und Martin Rutzinger (Innsbruck) gerne zur Verfügung. Online Einreichung eines Abstracts:…
DGPF Annual Meeting 2017 – Three presentations from GIScience Heidelberg
At the Annual Meeting 2017 of the DGPF (German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation) GIScience Heidelberg will contribute three talks on 9 March 2017. Citizen Science in Schulen: Entwicklung von 3D-MicroMapping zur Klassifikation von 3D-Punktwolken (Research Project: 3D-MAPP) The Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator HELIOS as a Supporting Tool for Capturing and Preserving Cultural…
3rd PhD Colloquium of the DGK Section on Geoinformatics and the DGPF Working Group on Geoinformatics
On 7 March 2017 the 3rd PhD Colloquium of the DGK Section on Geoinformatics and the DGPF Working Group on Geoinformatics took place in Würzburg, Germany – organized by Prof. Jan-Henrik Haunert (Bonn) and Bernhard Höfle (Heidelberg). The presentations covered a wide range of topics (e.g. 3D indoor mapping, air pollution modeling, traffic time series…
Missing Maps Mapathon at Makerspace (DAI) – OSM for Malaria Elimination
Many regions of our world are not covered on a map. Maps are however an important tool for planning vaccination campaigns and for ensuring medical supplies. Places that are not covered in a map are in many cases nonexistent for authorities and other organizations. We want to change this situation – with your help- and…
HeiGIT goes CeBIT – Smart Geo Services for Smart Cities
Together with Heidelberg Mobil International (HDMI) our new Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) will be represented at the CeBIT in Hannover within the Smart City Forum this month from the 20-24th of March. In this context we will be focusing on transportation and navigation as an example which must meet a wide range of…
disastermappers heidelberg contribute to Opening of “Open Knowledge Lab” Heidelberg / Rhein-Neckar
Die Zeit ist gekommen die Zukunft einer offenen digitalen Gesellschaft umzusetzen. Uns stehen modernste Technologien und komplexe soziale Netzwerkre zur Verfügung, um Daten, Informationen und Wissen weit zu verbreiten und mit allen zu teilen. Jetzt geht es darum in konkreten gemeinsamen Projekten zu zeigen, dass Offenheit und Transparenz unser Zusammenleben verbessern und Demokratie beleben. Denn…
3rd CFP: Journal Special Issue “VGI Analytics” in Geo-Spatial Information Science and AGILE workshop
VGI-Analytics 2017 Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media data have become part of our everyday lives over the past few years. Whereas in the early beginnings of crowd-sourced data the collection occurred primarily to isolated, individual platforms, contribution patterns are now beginning to be more intertwined between different platforms, both at the application level…
Crazy Times in Heidelberg
Prize of “Runder Tisch GIS” for GIScience Master Thesis on Geospatial Analysis of the German Software Industry (Jan Kinne, Heidelberg)
The Master Thesis of Jan Kinne on the subject: “The Geographic Dispersal of the German Software Industry – Geospatial Analysis and Location Pattern Modeling” won the price “Nachwuchsförderpreis Geoinformatik 2017” of the “Runde Tisch GIS e.V.” in the category ‘Master Thesis’ with a value of 1.500 Euro. In addition Jan did also win the audience…
Two talks on Tsunami Modeling ended GIScience Colloquium WS16/17
the GIScience Heidelberg colloquium series winter semester 2016/17 finished last week with even two presentations about Modeling Tsunami based risks and exposure. We were happy to hear first an overview from Andreas Schäfer vom KIT’s CEDIM about his PhD on Developing a Global Tsunami Risk Model. Thanks for our partners in the HeiKA CrowdFDA project…
Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Geographic Information – First United Nations World Data Forum
Last month GIScience Heidelberg (Prof. Zipf) participated in the First United Nations World Data Forum. This was a high level event including many organisations that generate and analyse data related to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For this we need a huge amount of data about…