Category: Events

  • GIScience @ ISCRAM 2017

    The last couple of days, the picturesque city of Albi in southern France became the gathering place of researchers, practitioners and organizations in the field of information systems for crisis response and management. Following the ISCRAM conference theme “Agility is coming” presentations, round tables, workshops, symposiums and keynotes were organized in which the current and…

  • Presentation and Demo Session on MapSwipe Analytics at MSF Scientific Days London

    MSF Scientific Days is a conference organised by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) with a focus on research and innovation towards improving humanitarian actions. This years conference was held from May 19-20 at the Royal Society of Medicine in London and brought together more than 200 people. The presentations covered different aspects of medical treatment, but…

  • Paper on at AGIT

    The programme of the AGIT Symposium 2017 in Salzburg is online now and it includes a first paper about the work at GIScience Heidelberg on It will be presented 6 July in the afternoon at AGIT Salzburg. The talk is entitled “OSMLanduse Version 1” while the full titel of the paper is: Voß, J.,…

  • GIScience contributions to 20th AGILE conference in Wageningen, Netherlands

    This year AGILE celebrated its 20th birthday and conference from May 10 – 12 at Wageningen University, Netherlands. The conference organizers chose “societal geo-information” to be the main theme of the research presented. The GIScience Research Group Heidelberg was represented by its members Tessio Novack, Franz-Benjamin Mocnik and Benjamin Herfort. On Tuesday, the day before…

  • Bike2Work Week: Let OpenRouteService help to find nice routes.

    It is #Bike2Work Week ! (*) Time to think about some more nice bicycle tours in BikeMonthMay (any beyond 😉 does assist you with a set of nice options for different types of bicyclist, such as Safest Tour, Touring Bike, Mountain Bike or Road Bike. This includes also an E-Bicycle profile which especially comes in handy…

  • 3D-MAPP talk at 9th “Dresdner Flächennutzungsymposium”

    The “Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium” is an annual event aimed at fostering the discussions about current devolepment regarding land use changes in Germany. During two days experts from government agencies, private companies and research institutions come together and elaborate the latest trends in different session. This years symposium took place from May 3-4. Almost all presentations covered…

  • GIScience Colloquium Talk on the Use of Big data for detecting human activities, May 15

    we cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk on Mon, May 15, 2.15 pm, at the Department of Geography, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Lecture Hall, Room 015. The presentation will be given by Prof. Bo Huang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong). The topic is: Big data for detecting human activities Recent years have…

  • “How to handle OpenStreetMap data” Workshop Heidelberg, Mai 18th

    OpenStreetMap has become a huge source for any kind of geographic information. In OpenStreetMap you now find not only street information, but also information related to buildings, shops, sights and in Heidelberg even to individual trees. Furthermore, OpenStreetMap data is open data – everyone is free to edit and to download the data to create own maps…

  • GIScience Colloquium Talk on Using UAVs and LiDAR to Investigate Tropical Forests, May 08

    we cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk on Mon, May 08, 2.15 pm, at the Department of Geography, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Lecture Hall, Room 015. The presentation will be given by Harm Bartholomeus (Wageningen). The topic is: Investigating Tropical Forests with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and LiDAR Constant…

  • GIScience support for German Red Cross

    Following the example of the British, American and Netherland Red Cross, who are as the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg all members of Missing Maps and have been collaborating with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and our research group for a couple of years, the German Red Cross (GRC) organized their first Mapathon in Berlin beginning…

  • ISPRS Best Paper Award on human activity patterns for Dr. Wei Huang

    Recently the paper “Understanding human activity patterns based on space-time-semantics” by Wei Huang, and Songnian Li (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada) has been selected as the best paper published in 2016 (volumes 111-122) in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Dr. Wei Huang is since late 2016 team member of the GIScience Research Group.…

  • Semester Start mapathon coverage in SWR aktuell

    A big thank you to all the mappers that supported the fight against Malaria in our Semester Start Mapathon yesterday! In three hours, buildings in an area of around 400 km² were mapped that can now be covered in the Clinton Health Access Initiave Malaria program. Moreover, a TV team of SWR was visiting the…